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I believe junkies and metalheads(i belong to the later group) all around will be proud!(yes thats a compliment).


I believe the plasticard is welded in there to give the impression of a guitar.


It needs MOAAAAAARRRRR flames!


Strap a damonette behind him to embrace him and you will give him an 80s look.

thanks komrad.


Its been a while, but I do believe the head is space wolf.


The hands are the motorbike riding hands with the two middle fingers chopped off. The horns are form a chaos space marine helmet. Everything else comes form the biker box. (I had to cut and reposition the one leg at the knee.) Also no green stuff, Im terrible with it.

I love how you have him rocking der horns, really cool.


Also, he's fueled by Cocain...and Oxycotin...and Heroin...and Daemonette blood...he does it all.


OH MY GOD! Doomrider is really Charlie Sheen!

Nah. He's Dr. Rockzo.

You can't argue with



\m/Doomrider and the Noise Marines of Maggot Death! \m/



"Out of the mists of chaos he rides, bike in his crotch and sword at his side!


Doom Rider.

Na na, na na.

He fights his own war, takes his own track, If he doesn't bail he might make his points back!


Doom Rider.

Na na, na na.

Son of Slaanesh, full of desire, He does cocaine and his head's on fire!


Doom rider.

Na na, na na.

Fights with fury of a dozen men, Spends two turns on the field then he's gone again...


Doom Rider.

Na na, na na.

His bike squeals as it ploughs on through the nearest guard, His skull is flaming as his daemon sword gets hard!


Doom Rider.

Na na, na na.

He's a killer and he's bursting out for fun! Screaming off, now he's gone, someone rolled a one!"










Oh great Lord Slaanesh, send forth your servant, the Daemon Prince Doomrider!

Let our enemies tremble in ruptured awe before his fearsome visage!

Grant them an exquisite death, crushed beneath the flaming wheels of his chromium steed!

Permit them the ecstasy of being slaughtered by Doomrider's throbbing Daemonsword and his pulsating gun of gushing plasma!

Bestow on them one fleeting moment of pleasure as they stare in wonder and orgasmic delight at one of your most divine creations before dying at his hand!

Oh great Lord Slaanesh, for these reasons and many others that tease and titillate our imaginations, we beseech you, send forth your servant, the Daemon Prince Doomrider!

+++ Summoning Ritual+++2


Here's hoping Doomrider returns in the new Chaos Codex.

Excuse me while I go and pick up my jaw from the floor.


Can you please share the recipe for the wonderful flesh parts?


Sure thing!


-Basecoat of Scorched Brown

-Coat of Snakebite Leather

-Coat of Dwarf Flesh

-A watered down wash of Mecharite Red + Chaos Black

-After the wash has dried, touch up the excess red with Dwarf Flesh

-Highlight with a mix of Dwarf Flesh and Elf Flesh


And there you have your fleshy bits.

Forum needs to have a "Like" feature...


These are gonzo! I wonder what the ratio of GW Doomrider model to "I DO COCAINE NA NA NA NAAAAA" Doomrider conversions is? Every time I see a Doomrider it's been inspired by the latter. Which is as understandable as it is hilariously awesome.


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