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Some of my Salamanders


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Updated 22.10 with a pic of my new old librarian ;) check it out!


Hi, I've been reading B&C for a long time, but now I finally got myself to join. My humble marines are nothing compared to those truly amazing models I've seen here... I don't have those cool FW shoulder pads or anything fancy like that, but I enjoy painting and personally I think my sallys fare fine on a table top. Most of all I enjoy converting my marines and adding little personal touches here and there. I'm slowly building an army of these little green men, and currently I have about 1800 points of them... My dream is an apocalypce-ready force of 3000 points. Maybe someday :blink: For now I'll share some of my sallies with you, fellow B&C's. I'll update these more or less regularly ;) Here they are.


Tactical marines with suitable weapons. WE WANT THUNDER HAMMERS FOR SARGEANTS!



Two scout squads, one with shotguns and the other with close combat weapons.






I also have painted...


10-man dev squad

5-man dev squad, but I'm planning to give additional 5 marines for this unit too

Terminators with storm bolters, heavy flamer and chainfist

Dreadnought with multimelta, CCW and a heavy flamer

Land Speeder Storm with heavy flamer

Vulkan He'Stan! VERY cool model!

Yet to be painted: another tactical, and I'm currently waiting some old school models I traded from a guy from another message board.


Comments and such are welcome! :) Oh and if you have a cool salamander blog or something let me know about it!

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In fact, my recipe is very, very simple: Chaos black basecoat, followed by knarloc green foundation, then washed with thraka green. Edge highlights are painted with goblin green or knarloc/goblin green mix. I've been thinking of another way too, to basecoat models with Armypainter green and then give them badab black wash. I wonder how that would look.
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I don't know if this has been discussed already, but I think that salamanders (i.e. original residents of nocturne) are not all naturally dark-skinned. Therefore the scouts, who've been recruited to the chapter not long ago, still maintain their original skin color. After the power armor has been put on and the final implants are installed, their geneseed causes the darkening of their skin. Yeah and the radiation too, of course, but that too takes some time. Of course this is just the way I see it.


What I'm trying to say is that this is why scouts have different skin-colors. I'm very well aware of the black skin of sallies. :) Gotta say it irritates me a bit when I see power-armoured sallies painted with pale faces... :/

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Actually they are neither rippers or lizardmen bits... :tu: They are in fact parts from WhFB Dwarf musicians horn. Sure, they don't even resemble the actual sallies' symbol, but meh, dragon's a dragon. And they've got a certain archaic look that pleases me. ;)


Ps. Dwarf bits are great for salamanders! Dragons, hammers, anvils... Lizardmen bits would do great too but unfortunately I don't have any at hand.

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