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Who the hell is he?


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I used both loyalist and chaos parts, but made sure not to make him look outright chaotic nor loyalist to give myself some freedom later. Should I get bored more often, maybe I'll decide he's a cornerstone of a whole chapter of such guys :P But still, I feel he looks too pimped with all those chains and skulls to make him a standard trooper.
Is it overly perverse that I want to say Ultramarine? The codex rank badge for sergeant is the Iron Skull, typically shown by the smurfs as a red emblem over the chapter badge and also a red helmet - a not-quite literal iron skull. I can totally see this guy painted blue with his helmet, knee and chest skulls painted silver to be actual iron skulls.. maybe the most senior sergeant in the entire chapter? a man of certain mental limitations that mark him as unsuitable for higher rank but who has accepted that sergeant is the role the God-Emperor intended him to fulfill.

Now my Space Something :( has a friend:




Thanks for replies, guys. I guess I'll just make up some of my own background for these guys. I don't want them to be chaotic, but I'd like to reflect their savage vibe in their fluff. Possibly they will become a renegade chapter not devoted to the Dark Powers, but still at odds with Imperium, using whatever equipment falls in their hands. Probably the Soul Drinkers reference was the closest one to what I was trying to achieve, but I just hate SD paintscheme ;)


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