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special rule on space wolves bolter


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okay so I can't seem to find this rule in the space wolves codex. I remember reading something about fenris pattern or fenrisian bolters having a special grip that allows them to shoot a bolter one handed like any other chapter firing it two handed, while wielding a melee weapon. I believe either grey hunters or blood claws could do this. I've checked over and over and over and I cannot find this rule at all. Do any space wolf players know what I'm talking about?
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okay so I can't seem to find this rule in the space wolves codex. I remember reading something about fenris pattern or fenrisian bolters having a special grip that allows them to shoot a bolter one handed like any other chapter firing it two handed, while wielding a melee weapon. I believe either grey hunters or blood claws could do this. I've checked over and over and over and I cannot find this rule at all. Do any space wolf players know what I'm talking about?

That is an old rule called True Grit. It doesn't exist anymore, but its not needed since Grey Hunters carry bolters, bolt pistols and chainswords anyway.

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Even though it doesn't exist anymore it can be referenced when explaining why your models don't have Bolters, Bolt Pistols and Close Combat weapons.


The Bolt Pistol could easily represent them firing their Bolters one-handed while charging, just as the True Grit rule used to.

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Correct, what James describes is now often coined "Ultra Grit". It is far better than true grit.


is this a joke? or does anyone actually use the tern ultra grit for anything?

Not a joke at all- common parlance for many of us.

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okay so I can't seem to find this rule in the space wolves codex. I remember reading something about fenris pattern or fenrisian bolters having a special grip that allows them to shoot a bolter one handed like any other chapter firing it two handed, while wielding a melee weapon. I believe either grey hunters or blood claws could do this. I've checked over and over and over and I cannot find this rule at all. Do any space wolf players know what I'm talking about?


I don't think it had anything to do with Space wolves bolters, unless they were also selling them to the Deathguard.

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okay so I can't seem to find this rule in the space wolves codex. I remember reading something about fenris pattern or fenrisian bolters having a special grip that allows them to shoot a bolter one handed like any other chapter firing it two handed, while wielding a melee weapon. I believe either grey hunters or blood claws could do this. I've checked over and over and over and I cannot find this rule at all. Do any space wolf players know what I'm talking about?


I don't think it had anything to do with Space wolves bolters, unless they were also selling them to the Deathguard.

Nah, they don't sell them to the DW. Although there is that story about a Kill Team raiding a SW weapons cache because they got tired of having to hold their standard issue Bolters with both hands... :lol:

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