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I'm new here, and Nurgle has been a curiosity of mine since I found this universe. I saw a thread about Space Wolves music and I figured I'd come tell you guys about Nurgle music. I won't post a link as they say some strange things, but this is the best of it, and it fits quite well if you ask me. Also, the song is quite demented, as Nurgle is



I'm soiled

Soil me

Soil all



Oh... my... God...

I have come ten million miles

And traveled on your Earth

And with his hands

The fiery beast may consummate my birth


Locust, flies, and disgusting beasts

Shall pack the ocean floor

Has given life to fiery hands

Shall open up the door





Shy away


(*High pitched voice*

Oh daddy, daddy

We need help

My mind is at an end)


All hope is lost

You're bleeding now

Your dreams forever flagged


What do you know about reality?


What do you know about death?



I don't know the things you see and

I am without feelings

You run and hide

*growling laughter*


You know the scenes I've seen

Your faces bow, bloody red

I'm running now

When you come, I - I walk away...




I will PM you the song if you want it, but trust me when I say it is demented, this is the edited lyrics

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