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Imperial Fists


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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally finished my Rhino for my second squad. Quite happy how it turned out.








Also I have an army shot of my marines.




Though now I am wandering what to do next. Thinking either Land Speeders (I have the old 2nd edition ones), sniper scouts or Assault Terminators. Not too sure which, any suggestions?

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Thanks guys.


Might try my hand at some Land Speeders. Always wanted to paint some, so I thought I might give them a go.


The only Land Speeders I have though are the old metal 2nd Ed ones, which I thought would suit the Imperial Fists cos they look chunky.


Do you think the heavy flamer/multimelta Land Speeder or the heavy bolter/assault cannon Land Speeder?

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Well, finished one of my speeders for my IF.


I really liked the old metal speeder model, especially for the IF, just because it looks chunky. Hopefully it will survive a hit or two.


I have another two with the Heavy Flamer and Multimelta configuration, which I plan to run as a squadron.


This one was a little rushed, due to my second son been born 2 days ago, so may take me awhile to fill the rest of the squadron.


Not totally happy with it, though it has more of a brownish tone in real light.


As always, any comments and criticisms welcome.





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A truely awesome Fists army Brother Syth - thank you for sharing it with us .


( In fact I have found it so inspiring that I am rebooting my abandonded IF project - the fact that you provided your recipe for yellow helped greatly ! ;) And if my Fists end up looking half as good as yours I will be a happy man ).



Look forward to seeing more of your fabulous work.

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First, congratulations! It's great being a Dad. Got four kiddos myself!


Second, I've always loved the old Speeder too, but I've had such terrible luck with putting them (and keeping them) together in the past, which really put me off to re-re-re-rebuilding mine. Maybe I'll give it one last shot, just because yours look so badass...hmmm...





Love the command squad, built mine the same way. The storm shield / power weapon, power fist set up is absolutely brutal in-game. Funny, the guy on the far right looks just like my First Sergeant in my command squad, lol.


All together, wonderful job, man! Can't wait to see what else you got up your sleeve!

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@KYR GKIKAS - Thanks so much for the kind words.


@BattleBrotherJohn - Wow I'm glad I could inspire you to go back to IF. On this board I have found so many awesome armies that have inspired me, so I'm glad I could help out.


@1000heathens - Thanks so much, My first son is great, just trying to get used to no sleep at the moment.


I must say that the old speeder model is a pain, but this one seems to be holding together for the time been, guess I'm just lucky at this stage. I have another prepped to go, and a third to make. Painting it really requires strong fingers I've found, it is a really heavy model!


The command squad I've only used in two games, in my first game my librarian and Lysander joined them going through a gate of infinity, and never came out. The second game they did much better. I mainly did them for a modelling challenge, and because I've always wanted to use those metal veterans with storm shields.


Finally thanks for your kinds words, your Marines Malevolent are just pure awesome!

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Well, finally finished the second land speeder. With a newborn in the house, kinda made hobbie time non existent. However got there in the end.






I think after this might be a character or two, kinda over land speeders at the moment...


Comments and Criticisms as always welcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well only a small update this time, an Imperial Fist Cassius. Just simply shaved off the ultramarine symbols and put forge world brass etched symbols instead.


Overall turned out alright I think.


As always comments and criticisms welcome.









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@Dark Scipio - Thanks for your kind words.


@Battle-Brother Ludovic - Thanks, I liked the older speeder rather than the new ones so went with them. I also likethe older predators (circa 2nd ed) as they look more brutish with all the rivets. Got three of them awaiting some love.


@Biohazard - Thanks so much, spent a lot of time on these guys. Wanted a force I could be proud of so spent a lot of effort on bits and bobs to make it unique.


@BattleBrotherJohn - Cheers, not a bad model to paint.


Well I have an update, a librarian in power armour. I've loved this model since it was released ages ago, but only just got round to getting it recently. Love the pose and the studded shoulder pad. This time no conversions, just painted it out of the blister. Another reason I got this guys is that I'm currently assembling a heresy-era Imperial Fist force, and since he has the corvus armour, means he will fit right in.


Brother Librarian Fenthus








These are all the characters done for now. Still waiting on a forge world games day boarding marine to add to my Fists, so till that comes, might work on some devastators.


Comments and criticisms as always welcome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well its been a little while since I've done anything but the holidays are here, and I ready to start painting some Fists!


As a warm up, I've done the Devastator Sgt. Uses the sternguard body, I liked the pose, and it seemed to fit what a devastator Sgt should be doing, directing fire rather than being the first casualty.


As mention before, I'm currently working on some heresy era Fists as well, so when they are completed, they may see the light of day here.


Without Further ado...








As always C&C welcome.

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Well, completed the Devastator squad.


I ran out of purity seals so had to write the script straight onto the armour, and I think its a nice effect.


Next will try and finish my last land speeder for the squadron.








As always c&c welcome.

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