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Imperial Fists


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I think there stare makes for a good anti anything weapon B)


Here I have the last Huscarl complete. Can now field these guys guilt free as they are all painted up now. As always and c&c is most welcome.





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  • 5 months later...

Truly inspiring brother! This is a great looking IF army. You sir have inspired me to work that much harder on my own Fists. I don't  think they will ever come close to rivaling these however. All around great work. I especially love the boarding marines and the huscarls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Truly inspiring brother! This is a great looking IF army. You sir have inspired me to work that much harder on my own Fists. I don't  think they will ever come close to rivaling these however. All around great work. I especially love the boarding marines and the huscarls.


Thanks for the kind words! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!


WOW.... Thumbs up!




Well, finally I have an update worthy of this thread. This will probably be my last Imperial Fist for awhile, mainly due to all my Golden Yellow gone. Though I must say it was worth it. As always any c&c is most welcome.


Imperial Fist Fellblade Edelweiss



















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  • 1 year later...

Thanks very much for the kind words!


Been awhile since I have had something to add to this thread, but here is something that I recently finished for the Heresy Campaign that I'm currently involved in. A Spartan! It's a monster of a tank to paint, though it was good fun and I also managed to get it all done before the game. You can see how well it did by looking here at the battle report.


I kept lots of Templar motifs as that is Sigismund's personal badge and also put some spot colours of white on the tank to denote its attachment to Sigismund's Company. As with all my main fighting tanks, I named it after the famous ship of the line, HMS Victory. Anyways, here it is.


















Very pleased with how it turned out. I'm now in the process of painting up my next lot of 500pts for the mini-heresy campaign, and will hopefully have a Primaris Medicae in Terminator armour to show you soon.


Thanks for looking.



Edited by Lachdannan
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it really is a small world! Yes it is Grimwald, and very nice to see we both have excellent taste in Table Top forces! I think you can see what I have been up to since fading from the Brewery (for a time). I finished up the Dwarf's for the time being and concluded the campaign we were playing in (came 2nd, though it was very close), so decided to get into 40k while I wait to see what happens with the End Times and 9th Ed Fantasy.


Again great to see you around. Thanks very much for the compliments. Definitely will look forward to what you will produce.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I would update this thread with a few models I have finished recently. First up is Primaris Medicae Omni.












Next I have another Terminator done, to boost up my squad. I really need to get more parts to make more Huscarl's, as I am seeing the need to enlarge that unit.










Thanks for looking!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers DevilofDorn! Thanks very much for taking a look and I'm glad you found something of worth. That Fellblade was a monster of a project and certainly had me 'yellowed' out for quite awhile. Glad to say I'm back to painting the good ol Imperial Fists. Thanks for your link, will check it out.

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