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Does anyone know if the ogre kingdom weapons from wf fit onto termies? I had a discussion with a friend that I think the weapons would look pretty bad ass on barbaric/low tech chaos warband but in utterly convinced they would be far to large, he disagrees. The same applies for mounting csm on ogre mounts.


Also one last thing does anyone know how to convert chaos warriors to space marines? I've seen it done Afew times but can never seem to find s tutorial

Here's a great example


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I love doghouses stuff and to be honest i've been trying to set up a ring of assasins to take him out to stop puting us to shame lol.

The thing i like about the gothis pattern is the lack of shown allegiance. It would fit in nice with the theme of my warband but im not that confident in my sculpting ability to pull it off :/ lol

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