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Death Company and IC


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I would advise you to try and dress your "captain" up to make him look like either a Librarian (who costs the same in the game and comes with a power weapon and psychic powers) or a Reclusiarch (who costs a bit more but gives your DC rerolls to hit and wound on the charge).


It's not so hard to make them look like something else... for Captain, paint him red. For librarian, paint him blue. Paint a reclusiarch black and you're good to go :)

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DC profit most from being led by a Reclusiarch, but you can use a captain if you want.


Dont worry about the rage, its only the first figure that must move towards the enemy, the rest of the squad can go wherever they want pretty much.(just look up Morticons posts - hey thats 2 Mort referals in one day...)



We may need a sticky on DC.........

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Dont worry about the rage, its only the first figure that must move towards the enemy, the rest of the squad can go wherever they want pretty much.(just look up Morticons posts - hey thats 2 Mort referals in one day...)


Any idea what thread this is from? I tried looking but couldn't see it in Mort's posts. I'd be interested to see how this is interpreted as one model only need to move vs the the unit must move part of the rule.



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Dont worry about the rage, its only the first figure that must move towards the enemy, the rest of the squad can go wherever they want pretty much.(just look up Morticons posts - hey thats 2 Mort referals in one day...)


Any idea what thread this is from? I tried looking but couldn't see it in Mort's posts. I'd be interested to see how this is interpreted as one model only need to move vs the the unit must move part of the rule.





I did a full explanation with diagrams and stuff- will try and track it down. If anyone else can remember the thread, let us know.

May have to stick it up in the resource section too i reckon.


Was in my own batrep ;)


Here you go -> Mitigating DC Rage


We may need a sticky on DC.........


Done! Added to the resource thread.

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I think a big Death Company Unit is a perfect hiding place for Seth.


His str 8 initiative 5 chainsword that rends and 4 wounds + invuln save would make him basically unkillable if you stuck him with 10 or 11 DC and a chaplain.


You could also do some stupid wound allocation shenanigans.


For example, give 3 guys bolt pistol / chain sword, 3 guys bolters, 2 guys power swords, 2 guys power fists, chaplain/reclus, then Seth.


Add a Land Raider and you might have a unit to straight up out fight GK Terminators or even Draigo + paladins.


If you could get 2 - 3 wounds from the raider, fall out and get a couple more wounds from the bucket of bolt shots, and then charge. Say you lose 5 or 6 of the bolt pistol / bolter guys to halberds, your crozius, seth's chainsword, power swords, and power fist hits would probably settle the fight.


GK aren't fearless, DC are. You would probably do enough wounds to make them break.

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only question i have is are you allowed to multicharge while it would pull your squad horribly out of coherency? for example if youd charge the copter AND the ork squad in the example i cant see a way to stay in coherency outside of making a chain... which im not sure is legal :huh:
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You're not allowed to ever move out of coherency, which you seem to understand. However, making a chain is perfectly legal (At least in my understanding of the rules), as long as:


The closest unit in the squad declaring the charge ends in base to base contact, while remaining in coherency.


(Page 34 of the BRB describes the rules for multiple assaults.)


So, you'd have to manage to have a unit in base to base with both the Kopta and the Ork Boyz, while maintaining a 2" coherency across the rest of the squad with a maximum movement to do so being the 6" inch assault range for each model.


It's not always optimal however, as you're going to lose alot of attacks in the first round due to not having many models within 2" of a model in base to base. However, the 'Defenders react' move will ensure you're not stuck with just 2-3. You also may have problems taking wounds, as you will have to take wounds on the models in base to base, to keep yourself from losing coherency (Which means to put your powerfist/power weapon in attack range, you're risking losing it far more than usual), which if you're not striking first will hamper your ability to strike at all.


Note: The above is my gaming group and I's take on the rules. It could however be wrong, that's just the way we read them.

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You're not allowed to ever move out of coherency, which you seem to understand. However, making a chain is perfectly legal (At least in my understanding of the rules), as long as:


The closest unit in the squad declaring the charge ends in base to base contact, while remaining in coherency.


(Page 34 of the BRB describes the rules for multiple assaults.)


So, you'd have to manage to have a unit in base to base with both the Kopta and the Ork Boyz, while maintaining a 2" coherency across the rest of the squad with a maximum movement to do so being the 6" inch assault range for each model.


It's not always optimal however, as you're going to lose alot of attacks in the first round due to not having many models within 2" of a model in base to base. However, the 'Defenders react' move will ensure you're not stuck with just 2-3. You also may have problems taking wounds, as you will have to take wounds on the models in base to base, to keep yourself from losing coherency (Which means to put your powerfist/power weapon in attack range, you're risking losing it far more than usual), which if you're not striking first will hamper your ability to strike at all.


Note: The above is my gaming group and I's take on the rules. It could however be wrong, that's just the way we read them.


No, this is wrong. If a model is capable of getting into contact with an enemy unit, it has to do so. You can't choose to have one in contact with unit A, one in contact with unit B and the rest forming a non-close-combat chain between the two. It's the second requirement of charging, following "... each model must end its assault move in coherency with another model in its own unit that has already moved."; it says "If possible, the model must move into base contact with any enemy model within reach that is not already in base contact with an assaulting model."


There are five requirements to moving assaulting models on page 34 and they very clearly and expressly exclude the possibility of forming a chain of unengaged models to link two combats.

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only question i have is are you allowed to multicharge while it would pull your squad horribly out of coherency? for example if youd charge the copter AND the ork squad in the example i cant see a way to stay in coherency outside of making a chain... which im not sure is legal :cuss


Dem a small thing to note.


Firstly, theres no way in either example that the DC can pull off a multicharge.


As Brother Byhill said (and its actually one of the most abused, or should I say least accurately understood rules in the game) you need to move every model into base to base, firstly with a new model, and then secondly into BTB if possible.

There will be no way in this situation to do a multi-charge.


The positioning of the DC is just to get into contact/position with a more desirable target, rather than the kiting unit.



Also, remember, that unlike charge moves, standard movement can TOTALLY be out of coherency. We only need to maintain coherency at the end of the unit's movement.

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im not sure i understand :huh: you need to be in coherency (orr as much as possible) at the end of your movement phase but your movement does not disallow moving out of coherency? :ph34r:


the way i though you meant the example was to charge the closest unit (kopta) but also charge the other unit (hence the chain) now apparently that isent the case and im very confused what the point was exactly :)

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the way i though you meant the example was to charge the closest unit (kopta) but also charge the other unit (hence the chain) now apparently that isent the case and im very confused what the point was exactly :(



The point of the diagrams were to show how you can get around being "kited" by superfluous units.


So, lets say that we dont care about the kopta at all, cause we have loads of shooting behind this DC that is gonna take it out.

We still have to follow rage, yeh? And many people were under the impression that the whole DC had to move towards the kopta.


This diagram and explanations shows how you can follow the rage rule, but still position yourself in such a way as to charge the more important squad (ie: the Boys) and ignore the kopta entirely (as far as charging is concerned).


im not sure i understand :huh: you need to be in coherency (orr as much as possible) at the end of your movement phase but your movement does not disallow moving out of coherency? ;)


That is correct. At the end of your movement phase


This is specifically for movement, and not charging though.


So, explained once again, take this movement from the previous set of pics ->



After #1 has moved, the DC marine next to the rhino that is closest to the boys, can then move his full 6" towards the boys (or anywhere he wants).


After he has moved, you're likely to be out of coherency by at least 4" with DC #1.


This is not a problem, as coherency for units is measured at the END of that units movement - not during.

So, you can then use the other DC to fill the gaps.


Again, just so as not to cause confusion, the same cannot be done with charging.

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since im to lazy a git to pull out my rulebook (dont even know where it is presently... go figure :lol: ) does rage mean you also have to ASSAULT the closest target or is it just move towards? if its the latter i think i understand. if not im not sure i get the point of all this :ermm:
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since im to lazy a git to pull out my rulebook (dont even know where it is presently... go figure :huh: ) does rage mean you also have to ASSAULT the closest target or is it just move towards? if its the latter i think i understand. if not im not sure i get the point of all this :)



Negatory there Demo, the unit only has to move,not assault.

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since im to lazy a git to pull out my rulebook (dont even know where it is presently... go figure :huh: ) does rage mean you also have to ASSAULT the closest target or is it just move towards? if its the latter i think i understand. if not im not sure i get the point of all this :)

Just move towards (and run towards if you run).


Charging is not required.

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