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DC Tycho


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Is it possible to add DC Tycho to a squad of Death Company? I know in the DC version, he doesn't have the Independant Character special rule so I am not too sure if he can join a squad or not.


Any pointers is greatly appreciated.

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I think Tycho could work well with a squad of Sternguard. I've been thinking how I would put together a shooty army with him leading the front.


G B)


Yup. My hybrid list plans to use Honour Guard and Vanguard Veterans dropping at the front together, with some combination of Assault Squads and Sternguard in Razorbacks/Rhinos at the back, augmented by Tycho and Corbulo. Still working on the bits and pieces at the moment - need some more ranged support fire in there to compliment the jump infantry. I'm thinking about Predators or Devastators, maybe Vindicators, then a hard-hitting close-combat element (Death Company), probably in a Land Raider. Alternatively, something less scary in a Land Raider with Death Company in a Razorback/Rhino for target priority problems.

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