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Unique characters

Lucas Alexander

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I was fighting this Eldar guy who I socially, morally, and competitively do not like, and we were having a game. It was a 900 point game where he had basic stuff... Wave serpent, Wraith lord, some dire avengers, but what caught my eye was the 235 point Unique character.


I have been looking through the Rule book, and the only thing I have found on Unique Characters is that they are generally limited to 1 of its type per fielding. Now I want to know the full thing. What are the full rules to Unique characters, from leaders of squads and vehicles, to HQ units. I though that you had to have at least a minimum of 1500 pts to even place down a Unique Character, but I cannot find anything on the matter. :) Please help.

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AFAIK there are no other rules for unique units except that they are unique i.e. you may only field one of them. Everything else will or will not be in the specific unit's rules. So if that character does not have a restriction, he may field him. If that is tactically sound or "nice" is a different question.


If you are talking about Asurmen. Just get the cheapest Dreadnought into CC with him. It should at least tie him up or even beat him to a pulp. Unless I'm mistaken he can't damage the Dread and the Multimelta and STR 10 Power attacks should kill him despite Eternal Warrior. If you manage it that's 105pt (140pt with drop pod) to make that 230pt unit useless.

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The points limit on fielding Unique Characters went away a few editions ago. Along with the "opponent's consent" requirement. You may now field a army consisting of as many SCs/UCs as you can fit in your list. The only limit is the common sense one of spending 25% of your list points on one model with 3 wounds.
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