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FOC querie


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My question is. If a unit does not take up a force organisation chart slot. Can you then take more than allowed and do they count as your troops for the legal army list if they count as troops themselves?


For example. In the GK codex. Inquisitor Coteaz can make Inquisitorial Retinue units count as troops and it states under the unit entry that they do not take up a slot on the FOC.

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Yes, you can take as many as you damn well please. No, they don't count as your required Troops choices - they don't take up a slot, so they can't fill one, either. IRritating as it is, you still need some GKs... unless you get Stormtroopers? I don't know abou the GK codex specifically.
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Yep, Chromedog is on point here. Units that don't take up FOC slots are few and far between...and virtually all of them have some other restriction (often based upon FOC slots). For instance, Rhinos take up no FOC slot...but you can only take them as Dedicated Transports for a unit that does take up an FOC chart.
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Well if yer running an ig army you can take two regular hq choices, 3 techpriests +3 servitor squads, and 5 priests, for a total of 13 hq choices. None count as troops though.


edit: tech priests not marines

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