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Night Lord Librarian


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An interesting fluff question, to which I have not been able to find an answer to:


Were the Night Lords one of the legions that used Librarians before the conclave of Nikaea?


Without any evidence, I would assume that they would have, I think that psychic powers would have appealed to them in their whole terror-causing thing.



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Although the Night Lords are distinguished by jet black eyes and pale skin, the real legacy of Night Haunter may be psychological. There is a tendency for paranoia and self-destructive behaviour in the Night Lords, and it is said that their sorcerers have a pronounced vulnerability to being wracked with painful seizures in which they experience visions, oblique or not, of the future.

Index Astartes.


And i agree with it. Most Chaos Sorcerers're former Librarians.

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I'm not sure it is as much need to, as want to.

Librarian training focus heavily on protecting yourself from the powers of the warp.


Sorcery involves allying yourself with/using said power for your own.


If you've gone over to Chaos, would you rather follow the restrictive and stagnated methods of the Librarians to protect you from something you can fend off yourself, when you have access to nigh-unlimited power?

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Because prior to the GK codex, there was a difference between sorcery and psychic ability. Sorcery has many and varied methods of use, but basically the key difference is that with sorcery, the psyker themselves doesn't control or "focus" the power, but rather something else does on behalf of them. Understandably, this means that the sorceror can utilise power far, far greater than what they'd be able to do themselves, if they're even a psyker. The main "method" of sorcery is the pact, where a sorceror has a pact with another being, usually a daemon. In exchange for services, the daemon manipulates energy for the sorceror, channelling it through the sorceror, but with the sorceror himself not really doing all that much. There are other methods, of course, those being sorcerous rituals and formulae.


Of course, the costs are obviously far, far greater than actual psychic ability, but technically, the risks depend entirely on the sorceror. Basically, the biggest problem is that because it isn't the sorceror controlling the energies themselves, they have no real "emergency shut-off", as it were. In other words, if you try to perform a ritual to summon a fireball, a mispronounced word cannot be fixed. It's said, it cannot be unsaid, and it will most likely result horrifically for you as the energies spiral out of control, not properly controlled, whereas a psyker has far greater control, and has direct control, over the energy, and can simply stop drawing the energy, dissipating the "wasted" energy. Other problems exist, like leaving loopholes in your formulae or pact. Technically though, if you create a watertight pact, or learn the perfect formulae, or manage to never screw up the ritual, then the sorcery will do it's job perfectly, and that's why it's so tempting. Everybody believes they can create that perfect sorcery, but everyone makes mistakes, and no power comes for free.

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I'm not sure it is as much need to, as want to.

Librarian training focus heavily on protecting yourself from the powers of the warp.


Sorcery involves allying yourself with/using said power for your own.


If you've gone over to Chaos, would you rather follow the restrictive and stagnated methods of the Librarians to protect you from something you can fend off yourself, when you have access to nigh-unlimited power?


Yeah, I see it as sort of like going from being a Jedi to being a Sith/Dark Jedi.

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