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Radical Thought


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I would actually argue it's possible for even something as a Thorian to be corrupted...


I know, I know.. technically puritanical and great at combating demonic possession, but they also study potential Divine Avatars, as well as the interaction between warp space and real space due to their beliefs. While they have the tools to keep many things out of their heads something too big for a young Thorian may well eat his brain :P


With sub-factions such as the Illuminati or the Ordo Hydra (not the Alpha Legion... the one from the Inquisition War trilogy with the mind worm thingie) within the Imperium and the Inquisition itself.. you have so many possibilities that you'll never want for neat storyline ideas.


Heck.. I'm considering building up some Alpha Legion marines myself for use with an IA volume 5 armylist of "bad guys" to take part in my own mental fluff for my armies (Imperium forces, and Tau) to represent rebels who initially were working with the Tau but the whole thing was actually engineered by the Alpha Legion and turns into a 3 way conflict... your fallen Inquisitor idea has given me thoughts about creating a fallen mentor character that two other Inquisitors now have to interact with... one working with the Imperium, and one loyal to the Emperor who ends up working with the Tau against the greater threat. :P

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Actually.. ironically if you look in the fluff for the Inquisitor game, in the Thorian Handbook (GW's website free download in the specialist games) they both share the same origin, but are opposed to each other... both of which were actually opposed by what would become the Inquisition.


Yes, the Thorians were originally hunted by the Inquisition but eventually came full circle and joined it. Irony is a sweet sweet delicious thing. Mostly I was using Thorianism as an example there... some philosophies might fall sooner than others, but Anyone is vulnerable to Chaos given the right circumstances.

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