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BA vs RG 2500 pt

Code 187

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2500 point match with my regular Raven Guard successors opponent.

We rolled for Pitched Battle, Capture and Control with 1 objective each in our deployment zones.





Honour Guard - 5 with Chapter banner, x2 PW, PP, PG


Chaplain - JP (attached to Dante/HG)

VV - 10 with x2 PW, PP, Sarge with PP/PF

Sang Priest - JP

Sternguard - 6 with drop pod

Sang Priest (attached to SG)

ASM - 10 with x2 PP

ASM - 5 men

Land Raider

Baal Pred - TLAC, HB sponsons

Predator - Tri-las

Landspeeder - MM



Captain Sicarius

RG Captain - AA, Relic blade, SS, Digital weapons, JP

Bike command squad - x3 LC, x3 MG, PG, MBs

Termies - 5 men with SB/PF, Sarge with PW

Tac Squad - 10 with flamer/ML, MBs

2 Tac Squads - 10 with MG/ML, MBs, one with PF Sarge

ASM - 10 with TH, MBs, x2 flamers

ASM - 10 with x2 PP, MBs, Sarge with Twin LC

Vindicator - 3 tanks

Scouts - 10 men with half snipers/BP and CCW, combat squadded


I won the roll off and elected to go 2nd. Whole RG army deployed minus CCW scouts. 5 BA ASMs deployed holding BA objective, with all my armour and the LS in deployment zone. The rest of army was in reserve.



Turn 1


CCW Scouts infil near BA objective. Bike Command Squad and 1 ASM squad with RG Captain advance. No shooting.



SG drop pod lands in middle of RG army. Vengeance rounds kill 4 Tacs who fail LD and fall back.

Meph emerges from LR, ASMs, Meph and Baal shoot at CCW Scouts who lose 3 to Baal TLAC, fail LD and fall back.

3 Tri-las/LR hits on Bikes which turbo boosted are cover saved.


Possibly my first big mistake. Meph could have gone in the DP and wreaked havoc in his squads unit by unit. The SG held his main force in their DZ for 2 turns but could have been useful inside the LR.


Turn 2


OB from RG Captain misses BA tanks.

Bikes wound Meph 3 times with MGs.

Sicarius kills 1 SG. Termies and ASMs all fail to wound but ASMs assault and kill 3 SG and SP. They fail LD and fall back.



VV land near Termies with attached SP.

10 man ASMs land near Bikes, kill 2 and LR kills 2.

5 man ASMs kill 1 CCW scout.

Baal kills 3 ASMs, Tri-las kills another 2. Meph charges squad and kills the rest. He consolidates towards the RG Captain. VV can't HI and plasma 2 Termies instead.


This was my second mistake. I thought if the SP wasn't attached when HI was declared that the VV could charge in and they would be within the 6" PF/FNP bubble. I didn't read the HI rules re the SP being attached when the unit came on to the board. This cost me badly.


Turn 3


The lone Bike and Scout flee from Meph.

The 3 Vindicators smash the VV/SP apart killing all but 1. The Termies finish the last man.

Sniper scouts wound Meph.

Tacs kill last 2 SG, other squad ML kills Meph.



Dante, Chaplain and HG land mid-board behind cover. ASMs advance up table and finish last Biker. LS goes flat out into cover.


Turn 4


Termies/ASMs advance.

Vindis kill whole HG and Chaplain leaving Dante alone (yet another direct hit on the scatter roll). LS is wrecked by a Vindi despite the cover save.



LR wrecks 1 Vindicator

Dante charges solo into 10 man ASMs and RG Captain, killing 2 and losing 1 wound. ASMs deliberately fail LD and fall back.


Turn 5


Tacs kill 3 BA ASMs, Vindi kills another 4. Termies finish them off.

Dante loses 1 wound to 10 tacs, then is killed by shooting from the ASMs.



Baal kills las CCW scout threatening BA objective. LR kills 1 Termy.


Turn 6

RG charge up table en masse towards BA objective.

LR kills 2 Termies.

Baal penetrates Vindi twice but only immobilises/shakes it.


We failed the roll for another turn. The game was drawn with us both holding our own objectives.

I had 3 tanks and 5 ASMs holding my objective.

RG had 5 scouts on his objective, 1 immobilised Vindi, 1 other Vindi, 2 full Tac Squads, 1 half Tac Squad, 7 ASMs and both HQs left.


Unnecessary overkill award The 3 Vindicators which murdered about 900 points worth of my army.


A few painful lessons learned today. Definately going to brush up on HI. If I'd realised the mistake the game could have been very different as they landed in assault range of the Termies. There was a slight mistake regarding cover saves/firing with the Vindicators which meant I could have avoided losing at least some of my VV and HG. We realised this after but it was too late to change anything then as the consequences from those few shots altered the whole battle. It was very much a game of 2 halves, with his first push getting slaughtered and my whole army then getting shredded going forward.

I'm gutted I didn't get the chance to try the Dante/Chappy/HG and VV/Apoc combos.

All in all, I was lucky to get a draw!


C+C welcome ;)

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you commented that you wish Mephiston had been in the drop pod.


That is not possible. No unit can start the game in another units dedicated transport (it was illegal of Mephiston to begin the game deployed in the Land Raider as well).


Looks like a fun game.


As a piece of advice, I would never put a plasmagun in an Honor Guard that wants combat since firing it means no charging. Go meltas, or plasma pistols or infernus pistols instead.

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