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Draigo wing suport elements help


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Hi guys.


Im going to a tournament later on in the year, and was thinking to myself I had best put together a list soon so I can concentrait on painting up the right models in time.


First off to let you know, I've been plying Draigo wing (or at least Draigo and 10 palies + other stuff) since the codex came out, and playing 1-3 games a week, I've had 2 draws and 0 losses. So my 'core' will continue to be Draigo and 10 palies, However with about 850 pts left to play with, I'm not sure exactly what To put into my list.


My fears are:

DE (lance spam)

IG leaf blower

Eldar tank spam

Getting my paladin core broken and 'auto loosing'


So whatever I choose must be capable of dealing with these three (they also happen to be the three armies I get least practice against :P )


Its 1750pts


Here are the ideas Ive come up with so far:


A few crazy Ideas like 5 psyflemen.

3 dreadknights because they fit nicely with pallies. (but I'm a bit concerned they will be slagged before doing anything against leaf blower)

A throne of judgement (to avoid breaking the palies), and a few teleporter troops to make use of the thrones orbital cannon.

2 single pallies in two land raiders (any pattern), and two psyflemen or a dreadknight.

Just being boring and spamming more terminators and palies.

A couple of interceptor squads, to get some mobility.

A few tooled up purifier squads (because they are pure damage)


Any mixture of the above


But there are just so many fun things I could Do, I really cant choose.


So I've come to you guys to ask you which of my ideas holds some merit, and also what works well against the armies I've specified (that I don't get much practice against)


Cheers for your help.

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Well, Draigo and 10 paladins are 1 hq 1 troops, so you'd need another troop choice at least. The rest is down to what you enjoy really. I love dk's. So I added 2 with teleporters to my army. Rifle dreads are another decent cost effective choice (some people think they are too cost effective....).


The main thing I feel you should add, are things that bring what you don't have. Which is speed/manoeuvrability and long range. 1 dread should be useful, due to the range and the psychic defense. A libby or inquisitor with servo skulls could be useful too, to help deepstrike and to counter enemy scouts/infiltraters. Interceptors could be nice due to their speed, but I am wary of putting anything without terminator armour in my Draigo wing, its a personal choice :D

Yeah I know I need another troop, but most of the ideas I've said usually involve an additional single paly.


I forgot the psy defense provided by a dread, but I feel a single one is a dead one. Which leads me to believe if I go dreads I need a minimum of 2.

A single ven dread in cover is rather good (according to some people). I'm wary of lone paladins, but I'm tempted with them as my 5 man squad generally dies unless I keep it back, due to no Draigo. For 1750 I was aiming to try out Draigo, inquisitor with termie, psycannon and some servo skulls. 10 paladins, 2 lone paladins, 2 shunting DK's and a Psyrifle dread, but haven't gotten around to it yet...

You might want to take a Strike squad in a rhino for your next troop choice - they have Warp Quake which can be very useful. I'd also take two psyflemen so you have some effective long range shooting - it goes a long way over the course of a game.


G :ph34r:

A Pair of Venerable PsyRifleMan would be a great place to start. Added psychic defense for things like psyker battle squads, Fear of the Darkness, etc. They can also be positioned in front of Driago and Friends to prevent a first turn tank shock auto lose. Pluse they add much needed long range firepower.
  Zagman said:
A Pair of Venerable PsyRifleMan would be a great place to start. Added psychic defense for things like psyker battle squads, Fear of the Darkness, etc. They can also be positioned in front of Driago and Friends to prevent a first turn tank shock auto lose. Pluse they add much needed long range firepower.




Remember you have Draigo and inscoring missions you want to ahve as many units as possible, make sure youa re taking at least two units which are good target for grand stratergy in scoring missions. 2 ven dreads is a good start. I would be look at one ven dread to provedie psychic defence, ranged assault, rediculously good back field scoring and 10 interceptors. for your Ld problems with having paladins run I would suggest at least getting a basic inquisitor for stubborn or using karamazov to completely eliviate the problem.




for your other troop choice, maybe a squad of regular termies. As for your three problems, have you considered a deep striking stormaven (primed with lascannons) loaded with a full purgation squad and assault spec'd dread? go for a shock and awe approach
Ah, my local club has somewhat of a rivalry with another club about an hours drive to the south of us in Ft. Collins Colorado, and their team logo at most tournaments is an ape in power armor that looks VERY simliar to your logo. Sorry for the mis identification


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