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BA Captains - again


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If there is one thing wrong with our codex, it is the Captain entry. Now I've complained enough about it in the past, so instead of further complains I'll let our readers know what Captain I field.

Very simple loadout: Powerweapon, Infernus Pistol and Jumppack. Easy, yet effective. Costs the same as a Reclusiarch with JP and is more versatile in the shooting phase while packing a decent punch in the assault phase. Yes, yes, he's no force multiplier, but everytime I see a "strike force" led by a Librarian or a Chaplain/Reclusiarch, something within me dies. :HQ:



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rites of battle (pre pdf dex) made captains worth their while. whule the stup up from ld9 (veteran sargeants) to ld10 was only minimal it was great for combat squading as those squads are ld8 :lol:


iits fluffy and it gives you an excuse to actually use one for a change :lol:


but alas. the vanilla codex determined sicarius was apparently better then all the hundreds of other captains running around (including his chapter master ;) ) and decreed that he should be the only one who gets it....


so now only tycho has it :ermm:


that said tycho+sternguard+droppod. hitting on 2's and wounding on 2's. I dont care what MC your firing at i seriously doubt he can pass ALL the saves hes gonna have to make! om nom nom nom :P

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So which is the better wargear for a captain?


Lightning claw and combi-melta or power weapon and infernus pistol?


Both of these make use of the high I, WS and BS. Lightning claw is more killy and combimelta has greater 2D6 range, PW+IP on the other hand gives you more than one melta shot and odds are that your captain will see more than one round of combat.

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I think a Captain has some merit if you want a heavy hitter that doesn't come with the standard bells and whistles we see so often for other HQ choices. I'd go with a pair of lightning claws to boost him in melee which is his primary purpose. We have access to lots and lots of melter weapons so I don't see much value in a combi - YMMV.


G :cuss

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I think a Captain has some merit if you want a heavy hitter that doesn't come with the standard bells and whistles we see so often for other HQ choices. I'd go with a pair of lightning claws to boost him in melee which is his primary purpose. We have access to lots and lots of melter weapons so I don't see much value in a combi - YMMV.


G :P


Meltas are often critical shots and getting a BS 5 melta shot is pretty rare, specially one that isn't an IP and thus very short ranged.

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I'd advise the IP/PW combo. First of all, he gets another attack, which is nice. Then, as already mentioned as well, he has BS5 and is more precise than other melta-carrying marines in our armies. And the range of the IP doesn't matter in most of the time, as he will be fielded with JP anyway and thus has enough range to get into that 3" he needs.


The combi-melta is a waste of points IMHO. You get what, one shot and one useless boltgun that doesn't even give you another attack in close combat for a pure CC-character. This equipment is better taken for Tactical Sergeants and the like.




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I'd advise the IP/PW combo. First of all, he gets another attack, which is nice. Then, as already mentioned as well, he has BS5 and is more precise than other melta-carrying marines in our armies. And the range of the IP doesn't matter in most of the time, as he will be fielded with JP anyway and thus has enough range to get into that 3" he needs.


The combi-melta is a waste of points IMHO. You get what, one shot and one useless boltgun that doesn't even give you another attack in close combat for a pure CC-character. This equipment is better taken for Tactical Sergeants and the like.





The more attacks a model has the less the extra attack from two ccw means and the greater payoff you get from re-rolling wounds. Take two claws and you "waste" his high BS. I guess the third option is one claw + IP.

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I made myself a Captain model anyway, equipped with an Infernus Pistol and a Power Sword. I use him in friendly games when my opponents complain about how overpowered Mephiston can be. To be honest though, it's almost always Mephiston plus a Reclusiarch in my list. Damn shame BA captains didn't get much love from the developers.
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The point of the captains is only fluffy, to have your own captain character with more or less whatever gear you want him to have. They are great fun to model and with the BA bits combined with the Commander box you can make some excellent models. Nothing else is so versatile. It is also a good intro HQ if you don't want to have loads of special rules.


For my own point of view, losing rites of battle from the old codex seriously undermined their value. I think I last used one in Planetstrike when there are 3 HQs and had a particular gear combination I wanted to use. I think I would be more keen on the librarians and reclusiarchs if GW would make a plastic HQ box you could combine more easily with with DC and SG bits. I think most of the metal versions, except the original BA chaplain and the current Lemartes are pretty ugly.

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For my own point of view, losing rites of battle from the old codex seriously undermined their value. I think I last used one in Planetstrike when there are 3 HQs and had a particular gear combination I wanted to use. I think I would be more keen on the librarians and reclusiarchs if GW would make a plastic HQ box you could combine more easily with with DC and SG bits. I think most of the metal versions, except the original BA chaplain and the current Lemartes are pretty ugly.


Lots of stores with a bit of history have old metal blisters left. I bought old metal terminators and a chaplain last year. He's a little bit shorter compared to marines of today but with a little bit of creative basing it's not noticeable.

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This thread has made me nostalgic for the days when I refused to use anything but a Captain because "its not right for an army to lack a proper commander". Oh how times have changed!


I miss the days when you didn't have to take a HQ at all! :jaw:


I think it's kind of silly that you need a high ranking officer to oversee every little skirmish, specially in an elite force like space marines.

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