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Fluff Question about Possessed...

Trevak Dal

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It might be known, I'm not a great fan of the Word Bearers (well, mostly their Primarch), but I really liked the Horus Heresy book, First Heretic, largely because it confirmed all my suspicions about Lorgar...and because it brought Possessed into a new light for me.


I really liked how the possessed Chaos Space marines were portrayed, similar to how I've read depictions of the Symbiotes from Spider-Man (Carnage and Venom) and also the Tok'Ra gouald from Stargate (the good Snake-heads) where it was more of a partnership instead of a daemon using the body as it's playing ground, and one entity could have predominance when it better suited the being.


Anyways, my question is, are all possessed chaos space marines just set to die? Surely there have been instances of Possessed stabilizing, and becoming a new entity, where the Daemon and Astartes become one being, with it's own dreams, and desires, maybe even aspiring to become a Chaos Lord. I just, picture in my mind the Possessed pacing about a starships' bridge, studying a tactical layout before issuing commands to begin a combat drop-his helmet sweeping up over his uncovered head and clasping shut like a mouth (similar to how Venom does to Eddy Brock) and would talk similar to how the Exhalted talked (We, Us, etc) but the two would be a union, not with one dominating the other.

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I think the universe is a large place. no doubt this has happened, but how likely it is is a whole other question.


Remember deamons are out for themselves. so while they are new to the host, if they are weaker then they may end up striking a lot more of a bargaining role and have a more equal split of control. however, make no mistake, it'd be rare occurance indeed for a deamon to willingly let the mortal retain any control.


For the lord idea, I do like it. It could be easily worked into a story how the lords will power is such that he is able to have retained a equal power with the deamon. this would lead to an uneasy alliance of sorts between the two. However i think the other likely way of this working is a champion gaining favour with a god, such as a very agressive general who is a tactical mastermind being half possesed by a khorne deamon in order to allow him to personally spill the blood, but then when back at hq his human side coming to the fore as the deamon is too blood thristy so will make a poor commander (and due to the knowledge that both fight for the blood god he will allow the mortals existance, and submit the body to him).


Of course the flip side of this would be in the night lord books, the exalted, who is powerful enough that even without the sargents consent will surpress him and strip his knowledge from him (for naval combat in this example).

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There is also Burias of the Word Bearers, who clearly retains control as well. I think personally it's more of the gods rewarding their favored servants with a daemon inside of them, clearly able to influence them but not control them persay, while still granting them superhuman abilities beyond that even of an astartes. That's the way I choose to see it.
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I see no reason you couldn't have a successful partnership.

While both entities would seek control, its also entirely possible that they realize the best way to achieve both their ends is by cooperation.

From the daemon's perspective, having a long term stable host would be preferred to a short term one that would resist you or seek to destroy you and from the traitor's perspective, giving up a small amount of autonomy for a significant increase in power and abilities would seem like a worthwhile trade.

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