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The Emperor's Fists

The Emperor's Fists

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The Emperor’s Fists.

Dutifully crushing the foes of the God-Emperor.

"As long as there are enemies of the Emperor, I will not rest. I am an engine of destruction. I am an angel of death. I am an incarnation of his holy might. I am the grim reaper, come to harvest the weak, and none save the God-Emperor himself can stop me." - Venerable Brother Gabriel

Created in the 26th founding, The Emperor’s Fists were designated as a crusader chapter, to dispense the wrath of the Emperor, in the likes of their Black Templar brothers.

However, by the time the chapter was full strength, the threats of the Tau, and Tyranids have grown, and they settled a home system on the eastern fringe, with which they can make a bastion.

Appearance: spacemarine.jpg

Founding: Raised from Dorn’s Gene seed. The fresh chapter, contacted their fore fathers, the Imperial Fists, requesting assistance. They sent 3 veteran battle-brothers. They arrived with 2 brothers of the Crimson Fists, and a small contingent of Black Templars. Together these sons of Dorn welcomed the newest chapter, and tutored them in the ways of Zealousy, commitment, and steadfast resolve. The sons of Dorn have since left, but they keep contact with the young chapter.

Location: Situated in the ‘Tortique’ system, the Emperor’s Fists have a recruiting base that many chapters could envy. They entered the system and had a meeting with the planetary governors. The 3 were happy to have the protection of a chapter of Space Marines, and welcomed them with open arms.

A system with 2 suns, and 3 inhabitated planets. 4 other planets sit in the system, but they haven’t been terraformed, or they aren’t worth the effort.

Planets of Importance: -Cul; A jungle death world. The tribes of Cul, are excellent hunters and trackers. They possess knowledge of how to use the plants around them as medicines, and they have a natural disease resistance.

-Lotelli; An ice deathworld. Located at the end of the system, and a terraformed world. The Hardy people of Lotelli are miners, stripping the planet of all valuable minerals at its core. They have a gift for producing psykers, and many of the chapter librarians have come from this world as well.

-Tortique Prime: An agri world, and the original planet settled. They produce enough food to feed the chapter, Lotelli, Cul, and ship food off to surrounding regions.

-Husk: Cul’s Moon. The Emperor’s Fists believe it is an extra solar capture. The large, airless rock has caverns, and tunnels, and massive burrows. The Marines constantly send patrols, and search the caverns they’re constantly finding. Nothing has been found. Yet. The Marines have constructed their fortress monastery on the rock, and are always constantly adding more servitor guns, and expanding the defense grid.

Combat Doctrine: The Emperor’s Fists specialize in static, long distance, pounding warfare. Learning well from the lessons of their Imperial Fist fore fathers, they field Predators, Whirlwinds, and arguably, some of the best Devastators in the segmentum. This allows them to bring to bear the Emperor’s might, in a way few Chapters can match. They favor engaging the Entire Chapter in warfare. This allows them to bring about the crushing might of Space Marines in numbers the enemy can't hope to handle.

Fleet: The Emperor’s Fists have 3 Battle Barges, and 12 strike cruisers. The strong fleet presence is due to the origin as a crusading fleet. Their Flagship is named “Valor”, while the other two battle barges are “Zeal” and “Sacrifice”.

Organization: The Organization of the chapter is very different. They organize into 5 “War Companies”. Each War Company, is a little more than 200 battle brothers, putting the chapter’s full strength at a little less than 1200 marines.

Each War Company maintains 100 marines as per codex suggestions. Forgoing a Veteran and Scout company, the Scouts and veterans are a part of the company itself. This allows the companies to recruit and maintain themselves on long campaigns. Generally when they arrive to a planet with a loyal human population, they will request the permission to recruit.

After long campaigns, War companies will return to Husk to recuperate losses. 2 Companies are generally kept at the Fortress at all times. One in Garrison, and the other rebuilding itself.

Notable Characters:

Chapter Master Roland Kendry. Roland is a warrior without peer. He has stood as the Master of his chapter since it’s founding, and his foresight and desire to gain honor for his young chapter have made The Emperor’s Fists a name many Imperial Commanders know. He leads from the front, whenever possible. He has suffered grievous injuries more than once due to this tactic, but he refuses to give his warriors any command he won’t carry out himself. He wields Dorn's Rage, and the Emperor's Fist and has even killed a bloodthirster using the two relics. The Marines who follow him believe him to be a father figure, and believe him to one day elevate to sainthood.

Captain Ezekiel of the 2nd War Company. (This is my captain) Ezekiel boasts the longest list of honors won for his Chapter, and has been the Captain of 2nd since the founding. Roland will often select them as his honor guard in chapter wide battles.

Venerable Brother Gabriel. The 2nd War Company's Venerable Dreadnaught, and the 2nd oldest member of the chapter left alive, only younger than Roland. Unlike most Dreadnaughts, who rest until they are awoken, to lend assistance, in times of peril, Gabriel refuses rest in times of war. Every single deployment 2nd company has seen, Gabriel has fought in, usually in the thickest part.

Notable Battles:

‘The defense of Ilk IV”: The 3rd War Company was dispatched to assist ‘The Hawk Lords’, a chapter they are honour bound to assist due agreements to train the Fist’s Thunderhawk pilots. Captain Maximus took his War Company, and 4 Strike Cruisers to quickly sort out whatever the trouble was.

The Jump was supposed to take a week. 3rd company was ejected from the warp, 3 days early. They had unknowingly jumped into the middle of a Tyranid invasion, by hive fleet kraken. The Hive Fleet was assailing the Hive world of “Ilk IV”. Maximus was presented a decision. Either stay and fight, and risk his companies destruction, or abandon them, to uphold his honour bound right.

He did what he though any Space Marine would do. He deployed his forces to defend the Imperium. He found the tactical situation was grim. Only the Main hive was holding, and barely. For the most part, the entirety of the planet had attempted to make it to the large hive, and all PDF forces had marshaled there. The only thing keeping it standing was the Void Shield that kept out the near constant rain of explosive spores.

Maximus deployed his Veteran Terminators to boarding actions. They were constantly fighting in the living ships, Storm bolters pounding.

The ash wastes were a constant thriving horde of Tyranids, and the Strike Cruisers conducted orbital bombardments when they could to thin the masses, when they weren’t engaging hive ships in broadsides.

Thunder hawk gunships flew constant sorties, targeting synapse creatures.

Space Marines on bikes and land speeders patrolled the underhive, lightning quick, engaging lictors and genestealers.

Tech Marines worked on the void shield, soothing the machine spirit’s ache.

Tactical and Devastator squads along with Predators, Vindicators, and Land Raiders, were always at the weakest point in the wall, repelling the Tyranids with pin point bolter fire.

Scout and Assault Squads defended the Strike Cruisers from Tyranid’s boarding.

Not a Marine slept, for 7 days, as they waged their nightmare war. Maximus never left his command post, save for when his ship was boarded, and he fought Warrior Broods, powersword for Talon.

On the 8th day, as the Marines fell back to the void shields generator, determined to hold it to the last, the swarms started to weaken. The Imperial Navy had arrived, and were bombarding the ashe wastes, along with engaging the hive fleet. The space marines pushed the Tyranids back, fighting like men possessed. The strike cruisers, although nearly crippled, lent what support they could. The tide had turned, and the space marines had won.

90% Casualties were suffered that day, but every single fallen brother’s body and gene seed was recovered. The three million survivors were evacuated to tortique prime, granted citizen ship within The Emperor’s Fist’s realm. The rest of the chapter returned, to greet the remaining company. The surviving veterans taught their brothers tactics to fighting the Tyranids.

Relics: The Emperor’s Fist; A Power fist that is said to have been forged with a shard of the Emperor’s Gauntlet in it.

Dorn's Rage; A Flamethrower said to have been used by Dorn. Regardless, the weapon is ancient, and has been blessed many times.

Warcry: Emperor guide my hand.

The Fists will often also enter battle singing hymns and praises to the Emperor.

"No Bulwark can stay my wrath" - The Siege shield of the Vindicator, Minotaur.

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You have a decent start I have some suggestions however, I think you should just use the Imperial fist to train your marines as the likely hood of them bringing other memebers from different chapters is unlikely. Also why does the system have 2 suns the planets must be extremely hot! The combat doctrine section is fine, I would even go as far as saying that your tactical squads use 2 heavy weapons instead of the typical heavy and special, find a way to really emphasis the long range aspect.


Also do you feel like you are done or do you want to add something to it?

Originally, they all came so that I could have the black templars stick around. This was a mary sue way of writing Black Templars into being usable whenever I got around to collecting an apocalypse army.

I just left them in, not wanting to delete them. Even if I leave them in, I'll probably remove the Crimson Fists, since they have so few marines to spare.


As for the 2 heavy, they still need to be mobile and flexible as marines.


I posted it for criticism and ideas. If people suggest things to add that I like, I may work it in with editing. Mostly just wanted to see how people felt about my fluffing.

Well I think its an ok chapter it doesnt really have any true distuinguishing characteristics. Lets say that there is a big battle about to happen that requires multiple chapters, when someone says the EMperor's Fist are coming what does that mean. To me it means a chapter that specializes in long range fire power is coming, do you want it to mean more than that?

Hmm. If someone hears "The Emperor's Fists are coming", I would like them associated with Long Range combat, holding positions. Certainly armored power as well. Veteran units probably being Sterngaurds.


They can serve as a lightning, drop pod assault unit, but it's certainly not a strong point.


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