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tank shocking


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Almost got it, another question....I tank shock, and a trygon ends up under the final landing position of the tank, do I move it and not my opponent, and to either side so it ends up 1" away from the rhino?


Your opponent should move the physical model, but he or she does so via the SHORTEST route needed to get it out from under your tank. Here's a crude grapic example:


A - - - T - - - - B


A is the area in front of your Rhino. B is the area to the rear. We'll assume the left and right are impassable terrain, for simplicity's sake.

The dashes represent the length of yur Rhino, and the T is the center of the Trygon's base.


In this final position, the Trygon would have to move to point A, because it is the shortest distance to get out from under the Rhino. That is where the Trygon MUST go. Your opponent cannot choose to place it at B just because he wants to (to contest an objective just beyond B, for example).

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the 1" rule prevents you from moving within 1" of enemies during your movement phase, it does NOT require you to move away to enemies that are within 1 inch of you.


If you tank shock in a way that leaves you in BtB with enemie models, they are not required to get farther away and may slap your hull to their heart's (or heart equivlent organs') content.

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Regarding this 1" rule, how do you make room for those models who DO have to move?

Since we've established that the only models required to move are the ones who'd end up under the tank, what happens when the tank ends up in the middle of a crowd?

For example, take this representation:








This is a block of 25 Ork Boyz, simplistically represented. I tank shock my Rhino so that it would cover the nine Orks in the center of the formation. Only those 9 must move, but they cannot move through their own models to do so.


Around here, your end result would be all of the Orks >1" away from the hull of the Rhino, because the outer 16 Orks have to move back to make room for the 9 who must move 1" away from the tank shocking Rhino, since they all must use the shortest route possible. Each Ork in the second "ring" must go directly in the cardinal direction they represent (N goes N, S goes S, etc). The center Ork can go east or west because it is equidistant from those directions. There's no physical way to move them all 1" away without first moving the entire outer ring of Orks away from the Rhino to make room.


That's the correct ruling, yes?


Now, if my Rhino tank shocks THIS formation:






It runs over only the Orks in the leftmost column, so only those have to move. The Orks in the NW and SW corners must move N and S, respectively. The Ork in the center of the column must move directly E, bumping the center Orks from the center and rightmost columns east as well, yes? That is the shortest distance for each model under the tank to move.


I guess what I'm asking is "If a model is required to move as the result of a Tank Shock, is the shortest distance absolute or relative? If a model is required to move, but another is not, and the non-required model blocks the shortest path, do you draw a new shortest path, or simply move the non-required model?"


Example A says you do have to move the non-required models. Example B is unclear.


As an aside, I'm not sure how you'd ever tank shock exactly into base contact with an enemy model without being Immobilized by a Death or Glory attack and forced to stop in base contact with said model. Anything else devolves into a measurement of fractions of millimeters.

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the rulebook does allow for breaks in coherancy, but does state the unit must make all efforts to re-establish coherancy in thier movement phase.

from what i gather you only move models in the tanks path, you wouldnt move other models to make room for the displaced ones

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get the tank and push it into the crowd. '''''mooooooooovvvvvvveeeeee.... cccrrruuuunnnccchhhhh...''''' the models end where they do and just push the ones with over lapping bases so they no longer overlap. Kid style. :) Chuck some orks on the floor and step on them. They are rubbish anyway.
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get the tank and push it into the crowd. '''''mooooooooovvvvvvveeeeee.... cccrrruuuunnnccchhhhh...''''' the models end where they do and just push the ones with over lapping bases so they no longer overlap. Kid style. :) Chuck some orks on the floor and step on them. They are rubbish anyway.


:) i just about wet myself, thanks mate :)

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The Death or Glory exception makes a lot of logical sense. That model just slagged that tank with a meltagun or a grenade or a powerfist (or something), so it deserves to be in BtB contact. :(



Be aware that some will try to claim a coversave vs a powerfist (Ork players with kustom force field), they reason that the pf attack isnt done in the assault phase.

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Yea I got into a debate on another forum regarding that one, worst part is the people arguing in favor of the cover save couldn't pull up anything to support their claims other then that the rules don't disallow it, and not to mention these were the same people that always say something to the point of "the rules tell us what we can do, if it doesn't say it's allowed its not allowed". Now I need to look to see if a certain topic has ever been brought up here.
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verse the coversave you cant get it even if you were firing a lascannon....


BRB p 69 "death or glory"

".... the model is removed, regardless of Wounds, saves (invulnerable or not), or any other cleaver way of staying alive they can think of."


id say cover saves get stopped by the "any other cleaver way of staying alive they can think of" clause.



edit: added BRB section title

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It should be noted that many will use the line that, that is specifically mentioning the model that attempted the DoG especially considering that the paragraph that line is found in is talking about a failed DoG attempt.
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