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How To Collect Emperors Children

Lt. Smash

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So I'm fairly confident I want to collect EC BUT I've got no idea how to do it due to:


1) Having been away from 40K so long

2) Never having collected a named Chaos force before

3) The fact that I only know the bare bones of the fluff and Legion backgrouund


So here are some questions:


What are some good reasons to collect EC fluffwise? (Not sure why I've chosen them, but something about them appeals, I guess...)

What are some good reasons to collect EC ruleswise? (Though I don't intend to make a super competive force, it'd be nice to have a decent army!)

What would a typical EC warband contain? (Not a big fan of Noise Marines, but I can get away without using them, right?)

What are some good colour schemes for EC? (GW seems to give them varying paint jobs depending on the source, if I recall correctly.)


I'd be so happy if someone could answer me these questions as well as offering any advice on EC in general. Thanks in advance. ;)


EDIT: Damn! This shoulda gone in the Legion of Excess. :/ My fault, move it if you need to.

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The emperors children are a funny one for me. I do enjoy then fluff wise and modelling opertunitys seem vast, colour schemes also seem varied and they have luscious who is pretty bad ass.

The thing that bothers me is that their fall didn't come from some perverted view of justice towards the emperor, loyalty to Horus or lust for power it came about because Fulgrim and the legion were to weak to resist slannesh.


I think if I could Paint White right and learn to blend it in I would probably start a small ec warband.

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The Emperors Children are arguably one of the most "human" of the Space Marine legions (loyal or traitor); unlike many of the other legions, they entertained vision far beyond mere conquest, and warfare; they sought to maintain and foment culture, art, creative expression and intellectual exploration. They are one of the few Traitor Legions who have a genuine sense of the aesthetic (others arguably being the Word Bearers and Thousand Sons), originally even regarding the execution of warfare as a medium of expression; just another series of "arts" or disciplines to be perfected. As such, they sought perfection in all things; rigid, disciplined practise that, ironically, mirrors to a certain degree the myriad "paths" practised by the Craftworld Eldar.


They regarded their Primarch, Fulgrim, as the very manifestation of human perfection; a living ideal to which they aspired. Fulgrim himself was a master of various disciplines; artistic, martial and utilitarian, and was arguably the most physically beautiful of the Primarchs.


Their fall came about through subtle manipulation of this pursuit of perfection, the respect for beauty, expression and better things; accounts differ, depending on which fluff source you count as "canonical," but all agree that Fulgrim was slowly, subtly and insidiously corrupted by Slaanesh, who embodied an ideal of aesthetic and philosophical perfection beyond all mortal comprehension.


So it was that the Emperors Childrens fine ideals slowly warped, their inspirations and expressions growing ever more extreme until they turned on their own bodies and those of their once allies as mediums for slaking their desires. What began as a philosophical respect for human creativity and inspiration became debased and lunatic desire, manic inspiration that expressed itself without conscience or consideration.


During the Heresy, the Emperor's Children didn't join the other Traitor Legions during the main bulk of the fighting; instead they fell on earth's civilian populace, conducting a mass orgy of unnuterable obscenity, until they were eventually forced to retreat following Horus's defeat. During their exile, they were the first to fall on the slaves of the other Traitor legions to provide raw materials for their twisted amusements. As such, the legion was eventually shattered, its numbers dwindled to a fraction of their original force, warbands of varying sizes spread throughout the material universe and beyond.


Fulgrim himself was elevated to the status of Daemon Prince by Slaanesh, though whether the original Fulgrim originally exists or this is actaully some daemonic echo of himself is debateable.


In battle, the Emperor's Children are a riot of garish colours and bizarre, alien weaponry. They still treat warfare as a strange form of art, dancing across the battlefield with all the grace and passion of a theatre troupe, crippling and tormenting their foes with blows designed to maim and agonise rather than kill. They luxuriate in the pain of their enemies in a manner reminiscent of the Dark Eldar, and have come to regard all sensation, from the basest and most vile to the most ascended, as welcome. Many have become Noise Marines; creatures so jaded by centuries of indulgence only the cacophonies of battle can stir their senses.


Think Space Marine Cenobites (RE; Hellraiser, Clive Barker), and you've pretty much got it.

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Thanks for the replies!


@ the emperor is scottish: I can't paint white either. And yeah, Lucius is cool as, although I doubt I'll include him. And for me, I love the fact they feel due to their own lust for perfection.


@ Dammeron: Thanks for that wealth of information! I pretty much know their entire history now. And, now that you mention it, it may have been that "human" aspect that's drawn me to them. (In a similar manner to the Blood Angels)


Also, I just realized I posted this thread in the complete wrong spot, sorry. :ermm:

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If you don't want to use Noise Marines, just remember that there are 4 other senses to be taken to extremes, not just hearing. Perhaps your warband is visually stimulated, rather than through noise, and seek the most extravagant sights of battle they can. I've previously written up some fluff for a Slaaneshi warband themed around gluttony, and I'm currently thinking up a Slaaneshi warband (ex-Iron Warriors though, not Emperors Children) themed around greed and avarice (still keeping some gluttony in there, though, I've got a nice conversion planned focussing on that particular sin...), so really, the Emperors Children can be themed around any sort of excess. Sadly, most people don't look past the generic GW default imagery of "sex, drugs and rock and roll", when Slaanesh is far, far more.


Slaanesh is every dirty little thought you've ever had. Everything you've ever wanted, everyone you've ever wanted, even the desires that you deny wanting, even to yourself, Slaanesh knows, and Slaanesh only asks that you take pleasure in all that is.

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Have a read of Fulgrim from the HH series published by Black Library:




The current chaos codex is severly suffering, so you may be best just collecting a sold core first. There are rumours of a codex coming, but nobody knows when. Hence I'd advise modelling up something like a lord or DP, 2 or 3 squads of marine with rhinos, and whatever you fancy the look of. Hopefully by the time you've got these together the new 'dex will be here! In other words take it slow for now.



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If you don't want to use Noise Marines, just remember that there are 4 other senses to be taken to extremes, not just hearing. Perhaps your warband is visually stimulated, rather than through noise, and seek the most extravagant sights of battle they can. I've previously written up some fluff for a Slaaneshi warband themed around gluttony, and I'm currently thinking up a Slaaneshi warband (ex-Iron Warriors though, not Emperors Children) themed around greed and avarice (still keeping some gluttony in there, though, I've got a nice conversion planned focussing on that particular sin...), so really, the Emperors Children can be themed around any sort of excess. Sadly, most people don't look past the generic GW default imagery of "sex, drugs and rock and roll", when Slaanesh is far, far more.


Slaanesh is every dirty little thought you've ever had. Everything you've ever wanted, everyone you've ever wanted, even the desires that you deny wanting, even to yourself, Slaanesh knows, and Slaanesh only asks that you take pleasure in all that is.


That's exactly what I wanted to hear! You've just inspired me to make a Havoc squad completely obsessed with the bright streams of light caused by their Lascannons. Cheers!


Topic moved.





Have a read of Fulgrim from the HH series published by Black Library:




The current chaos codex is severly suffering, so you may be best just collecting a sold core first. There are rumours of a codex coming, but nobody knows when. Hence I'd advise modelling up something like a lord or DP, 2 or 3 squads of marine with rhinos, and whatever you fancy the look of. Hopefully by the time you've got these together the new 'dex will be here! In other words take it slow for now.


Yeah, I just read Horus Rising the other day and that segment on Murder sparked of this whole desire to create an EC army. So I'll definitely check it out. And thanks for the army building advice, you make a good point about not rushing into it to quickly.

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