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2 questions


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Hello folks,


Being new to the game and expending my army. (will post pictures soon!!) I came across a few things I just can´t seem to figure out:


Can two independant characters join the same squad?




Can multiple Terminator squads use the same teleport homing beacon?


Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and/or answer.

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Multiple ICs can join a single squad. This is common in some books (such as BA with priests and someone else in the same squad).


There is no limit to the number of units that can use a teleport beacon.

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Ah thanks!


In that regard, I assume 2 ICs can team up without an squad?


Keep in mind, however, that only enemies in base to base can be attacked by an IC & vice-versa.


How does that relate the Jaigo's original question?


We need to get more focused on answering specific queries or all +OR+ topics will balloon into infinity.

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