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Random Rule Questions from a Noob


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So I just got back into warhammer after a few years. I'm having some problem with rules though. Me, my brother and our friend are getting into a few little spats over what does what so I have some questions about various random stuff and here they are...


Question 1. Grey Knights have daemons as preferred enemies, so what in the chaos marine book counts as a "daemon?"


Question 2. When targeting units at range, lets say only 1 space marine (out of 10) models is within line of sight of 5 of my chaos space marines (out of 10) models. However all models are within range of each other. If I inflict 5 wounds unsaved, do they pass through to the whole squad or only kill the one unit in line of sight?


Question 3. Can monstrous creatures move, fire and assault?


I have more questions but I can't remember them at this time. I hope these questions aren't to horribly dumb and thanks for your answers!

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I'm bumping this post instead of making a new one. My brothers Grey Knight hero uses cleansing flame and on something like a 4+ he wounds my models when assaulting or assaulted and something like that. Annnyway my question is I'm going to say I know it wont work on vehicles like a walker because it has no wounds, right? Any kind of ability that would wound a model with no wounds wouldn't hurt them.
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