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Imperial Rangers?

Calgar 2.0

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Last time I had a topic on the Liber forums, I was a bit hot-headed, and didn't accept help or c&c for design. However, I feel I have grown since than (if you call playing with toy soldiers growing up ;)). So here is my new foray into the DIY aspect of the Space Marines.


The Imperial Rangers are a non-codex chapter that is descended from either Raven Guard, or Dark Angels. They basically are based in 9 different fortresses in 9 different systems, and having little to no contact with the other fortresses. That's the bit I'm thinking of cutting in favor of other communicative (?) methods. They hold civilian life above their own, and will therefore go through hell and back to protect civilians, kinda similar to the Sallies on Armageddon. They prefer range combat, but will get into the melee if needed, such as the above situation. They have some units like the Mantis Warriors' Tranquility Snipers, that typically go through extra scout training to hone marksmanship. They are also adept in using grav-chutes in operation with small unit tactics.

So that's what I have so far. It's not well written, probably due to the fact that I'm more used to making fluff for my guard force. C&C Welcome


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here are my thoughts o this.


I dig the fundamental idea of split forces, so i'd expand on that.

Valuing civilians is a nice touch on their character and warfare approach, so a definite yes there.


My concerns is dual approach in warfare tactics, if they prefer long ranged warfare, run with it, if you build around that, it will add flavour, say minimum of two dev squads in armies, and restrict CC units.

Welcome back to the Liber!


Now as far as your concept I have two questions:


1)What do you want your central theme to be? The driving force of the Chapter?


2)Why grav-chutes when you have jump packs? That's like riding a moped when you have a Harley in the garage. Unless, of course, you're creating the first Chapter of environmentally conscious Space Marines. <_<

  InquisitorHayn said:
Welcome back to the Liber!


Now as far as your concept I have two questions:


1)What do you want your central theme to be? The driving force of the Chapter?


2)Why grav-chutes when you have jump packs? That's like riding a moped when you have a Harley in the garage. Unless, of course, you're creating the first Chapter of environmentally conscious Space Marines. :lol:


Thanks for the warm welcome =][=hayn. Well, I'm basically running off of a concept I made with Deathwatch with my Marine taking Drop Operations as a combat specialty, probably not a good idea to base one chapter off of a single marine though, huh?


The central theme I would like to have is a almost modern military feel, while still retaining their Imperial Space Marine identities, if that can be understood.


Brother Melice, thanks for the feedback, I agree that putting some restrictions on CC units would be needed, but not enough so that there aren't any at all. The 2 devestator is an interesting idea, and one I will probably try to use.


-Calgar 2.0

  Calgar 2.0 said:
The central theme I would like to have is a almost modern military feel, while still retaining their Imperial Space Marine identities, if that can be understood.

Seems to be a common trend these days... :lol:


Nice colour scheme, by the way ^_^



  Battle-Brother Ludovic said:
  Calgar 2.0 said:
The central theme I would like to have is a almost modern military feel, while still retaining their Imperial Space Marine identities, if that can be understood.

Seems to be a common trend these days... :lol:


Nice colour scheme, by the way ^_^




Thank you.


As to, it being a common trend, maybe, I just haven't seen it accomplished very well, unless it was something like Brother Melice's army.

I don't think Space Marines can use grav-chutes bud. Space Marines are heavy, shock infantry. The U.S. Army Rangers you base your chapter off of are light infantry designed to raid, recon, fire control, and seizing ground. Marines in the other hand are heavy, amphibious infantry. Hence the reason they are called Space Mairnes and not Space Rangers. But kudos to you sir, maybe make an airborne designed chapter instead. Kinda like the Hawk Lords. I had a DIY chapter kinda like your's called the Red Devils, you are free to look it up and use anything from it if you'd like.

*walks in*


The grav-chutes, or something similar, are used when dropping from StormRaven.


The previous attempts of "Ranger" Chapter.

Rangers lead the way..., Crazy thought but hear me out...

The Shadow Of Terra, Raven Guard Succsors

Nytrian Rangers, Aussie Space Marines


Thought of the Day: Wise men learn from death of others.



Cheers, NightrawenII.

  NightrawenII said:
*walks in*


The grav-chutes, or something similar, are used when dropping from StormRaven.


The previous attempts of "Ranger" Chapter.

Rangers lead the way..., Crazy thought but hear me out...

The Shadow Of Terra, Raven Guard Succsors

Nytrian Rangers, Aussie Space Marines


Thought of the Day: Wise men learn from death of others.



Cheers, NightrawenII.


Thanks for the input on the grav-chutes, as that is what I would imagine it would be there for. As for those failed attempts,that is not what I want what so ever. I would like to have a chapter that is on the fringes of Imperial territory protecting the Imperium's citizens. I don't want marines to act as the modern day soldier. Some things could be used, such as squad structure, and a very sterilized rank structure, but no bush-wacking, or air assaults as we do with helicopters. As for the stormravens, that could be something that I could try if they add them in next edition, so thanks for that.


Marshal2 Crusaders, was that supposed to be a constructive critique?

  Marshal2 Crusaders said:
Graduate Imperial Ranger school in 60 days and get a second tomahawk! FREEEE!


You'll kick tigers with your Ranger legs!! :P This is what Marshall2Crusaders is talking about (Make sure the kids are outta the room for this one...)


There is some slight support for Air Assaults from Thunderhawks, such a thing was done in the second Soul Drinker book. Really, take it or leave it, just wanted to let you know there's precedent for it.


As for the idea, it's pretty decent, although it's hard to say more than what has already been said, with the concept still in it's infancy. Start hammering out some more ideas, and we'll continue helping where we can. If anything, I'd suggest studying up on Merrill's Marauders, the 1st Special Service Force (also known as the Devil's Brigade), the US Army Ranger regiments (specfically the 75th Ranger Regiment) and staring long and hard at the Ranger Creed.


Hopefully, this all helps. Best of luck, bro.


All The Way!

  1000heathens said:
  Marshal2 Crusaders said:
Graduate Imperial Ranger school in 60 days and get a second tomahawk! FREEEE!


You'll kick tigers with your Ranger legs!! :cuss This is what Marshall2Crusaders is talking about (Make sure the kids are outta the room for this one...)


There is some slight support for Air Assaults from Thunderhawks, such a thing was done in the second Soul Drinker book. Really, take it or leave it, just wanted to let you know there's precedent for it.


As for the idea, it's pretty decent, although it's hard to say more than what has already been said, with the concept still in it's infancy. Start hammering out some more ideas, and we'll continue helping where we can. If anything, I'd suggest studying up on Merrill's Marauders, the 1st Special Service Force (also known as the Devil's Brigade), the US Army Ranger regiments (specfically the 75th Ranger Regiment) and staring long and hard at the Ranger Creed.


Hopefully, this all helps. Best of luck, bro.


All The Way!


Lol, that video was good for my 17 year-old mind. :D


Thanks for the advice on the air assault acpect, however, as was stated I don't want to have "teh uber-cool ranger marines". Those might work for my scouts though.

The central theme I would like to have is a almost modern military feel, while still retaining their Imperial Space Marine identities, if that can be understood.

What exactly do you mean by 'modern military feel'? :) Space Marines are kind Modern Military dialled up to 11 on the amp. They live and breath war, they have war for breakfast and all the other cliches you can think of. Were you thinking of a less superstitious chapter? I'm just not quite sure what exact aspect of it you were going for.

  Sigismund Himself said:
The central theme I would like to have is a almost modern military feel, while still retaining their Imperial Space Marine identities, if that can be understood.

What exactly do you mean by 'modern military feel'? :) Space Marines are kind Modern Military dialled up to 11 on the amp. They live and breath war, they have war for breakfast and all the other cliches you can think of. Were you thinking of a less superstitious chapter? I'm just not quite sure what exact aspect of it you were going for.


That's it. A less religious chapter, although they do have a couple Chappies, that just fight to protect. That's it.


Some more fluff will be posted tomorrow.

  Marshal2 Crusaders said:
Graduate Imperial Ranger school in 60 days and get a second tomahawk! FREEEE!



I believe they use jump packs to jump out of storm ravens, not grav chutes. Power armor would be too heavy to use grav-chutes.

Perhaps an Airborne feel for your chapter instead?

Brother Rathul

  Brother Rathul said:
  Marshal2 Crusaders said:
Graduate Imperial Ranger school in 60 days and get a second tomahawk! FREEEE!



I believe they use jump packs to jump out of storm ravens, not grav chutes. Power armor would be too heavy to use grav-chutes.

Perhaps an Airborne feel for your chapter instead?

Brother Rathul


As I had said, Astartes-class grav-chutes are options for wargear in Deathwatch. However, an Airborne is something I am trying to get.


Okay, the little bit of fluff thatI have comeup with:


-9 Fortresses in 9 different systems:

- Fortress Ultima in Angelis System ++Fighting off xenos invaders++

- Fortress Enigma in Dunwich System

- Fortress Voena in System Gamma-c11


Okay, thats 3 of the 9 fortresses across the Emperor's Segmentae(?).


Commander of Fortress Enigma (aka my future army's captain) is Captain Edson. He survived a nuclear holocaust brought about by rival nation-states (kind of like the Gaunt's Ghost book Straight Silver). He was found by the Imperial Ranger fighting to protect his settlement alongside 5 other men, from a company's worth of chaos cultists, using ambushes, and specially place booby traps. He was inducted after a small force of Imperial Rangers came to investigate elevated radiation levels, and went into the scout section alloted at Enigma. He showed tremendous skill as a sniper and, when he became a space marine proper, was assigned as a Tactical squad sniper. He was issued a Stalker-pattern bolter, and is credited with hundreds of kills in one campaign alone.


++More to follow++


-Calgar 2.0

Remember that marines take pre-pubescent children as recruits, so 6 12 year olds holding off a company of chaos cultists in a straight fight might seem a bit "RAWR AWESOME". Why not take some more inspiration from G's Gs and have them running a rag-tag scratch company of children after their parents have been killed by the cultists. Sneaking around battles between the remaining PDF forces and picking their ambushes as and when they can to survive.


That sort of scenario would set a precedent for his tactical and command skills before recruitment, his hardiness as a survivor and as a fighter, it would serve to further enshrine why he especially holds civilian lives so dearly and is a bit less rambo last stand conjuring than a straight up battle.


Just a thought :)

  Retributis said:
Remember that marines take pre-pubescent children as recruits, so 6 12 year olds holding off a company of chaos cultists in a straight fight might seem a bit "RAWR AWESOME". Why not take some more inspiration from G's Gs and have them running a rag-tag scratch company of children after their parents have been killed by the cultists. Sneaking around battles between the remaining PDF forces and picking their ambushes as and when they can to survive.


That sort of scenario would set a precedent for his tactical and command skills before recruitment, his hardiness as a survivor and as a fighter, it would serve to further enshrine why he especially holds civilian lives so dearly and is a bit less rambo last stand conjuring than a straight up battle.


Just a thought ;)


Ah, good point. I was thinking he would be 15-17, but you are right. Thanks for the c&c.

  Calgar 2.0 said:
-9 Fortresses in 9 different systems:

- Fortress Ultima in Angelis System ++Fighting off xenos invaders++

- Fortress Enigma in Dunwich System

- Fortress Voena in System Gamma-c11


Okay, thats 3 of the 9 fortresses across the Emperor's Segmentae(?).


-Calgar 2.0

I was wondering about this for some time, but since I can't find any explanation, I'm going to ask: WHY?

Break up the dispersion and training to be more the the Reg.


3 fortresses on 3 Planets: Each with a Combat Team/Strike Force/Whatever made of 3 Companies.

1 Recruitment World: Garrisoned by the HQ and 10th Co


etc. The parralels are there. Just drop the Ranger from the name.

Biggest problem with that is thats 3 places that might be holding geneseed/relics, but none of them are secure when any of your marines are on missions... Or do your marines only venture out 1 company at a time from each base (assuming 1 garrisoning, 1 recovering from losses/re-equiping and 1 on patrol).
  Marshal2 Crusaders said:
Break up the dispersion and training to be more the the Reg.


3 fortresses on 3 Planets: Each with a Combat Team/Strike Force/Whatever made of 3 Companies.

1 Recruitment World: Garrisoned by the HQ and 10th Co


etc. The parralels are there. Just drop the Ranger from the name.


Wow. This thread exploded with activity today. Thank you for that Marshal2 Crusaders, that actually sounds like a better idea in the long run for the fortresses. However, I like the name, because it's not omething you see often for the SM.


So the 3 fortresses will be those already listed, because I like the names best *cringes*. The companies will keep teir banners, which will be like the banner used in Collected Visions, that is reminescent of American Civil War era banners.


As Leonaides sugested the deployment will be in that kind of schedule. Each company would keep their own relics, as well, because military units don'tusually like having stuff of special importance taken from them.


  NightrawenII said:
  Calgar 2.0 said:
-9 Fortresses in 9 different systems:

- Fortress Ultima in Angelis System ++Fighting off xenos invaders++

- Fortress Enigma in Dunwich System

- Fortress Voena in System Gamma-c11


Okay, thats 3 of the 9 fortresses across the Emperor's Segmentae(?).


-Calgar 2.0

I was wondering about this for some time, but since I can't find any explanation, I'm going to ask: WHY?


Wouldn't it make more sense to be able to have more area's covered in the unforgiveing galaxy?


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