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Blood Gorgons


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Ive just been on holiday and while by the pool i managed to get through a copy the book 'Blood Gorgons'. I really liked the idea of the chapter and thought that they would make an awesome looking army with loads of conversion options! Ive tried to find more fluff on them but there doesnt seam to be any. Does anyone know if there is anything on the Blood Gorgons other than whats in the book?


Can any one help?

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There are two other books in that series by Henry Zou, I forget what they're called but each has a fair amount of info on them. I thought they'd be a great army to make too, I think it'd require alot of GS work though as they're kind of aquatic/crablike it seems.


Edit: The books are Flesh and Iron and Emperor's Mercy. Also here's a link to an old topic that talks about them, may help as well.

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Ive managed to find a good web page full of info - http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Blood_Gorgons


Think im going to do a small 500pts army based around the characters in the book. I Have ideas of how i want them to look but am stuck on a colour scheme. It says black and carmine but i dont want them to look to much like Word Bearers or World Eaters. Any ideas?

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