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Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons


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Hello everyone,


Although I am proud Blood Angels player and a strong loyalist, I have felt the need to build a Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons army to honor their once proud and noble legion. I wanted to create clean looking models that reveal the corruption at a second closer look. Well, here's the first squad. What do you think? Hints and suggestions?











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Very nice!

I love the little forehead asps. I'll be stealing that idea!


I suppose you could add some GS tabards, and I have seen pre-HH TS done with the wax part of their purity seals replaced by GS scarab-shapes.


What will you be using the (lovely Space Crusade...ah how nostalgic!) assault cannon as?

Oh, perhaps cut lines into the circle at the center of his not-quite-chest-aquila to make it scarab-esque.

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Doing more GS ornaments would be cool, but I am an absolute novice sculptor. What you see in these pictures are my first humble attempts. The sorcerer has a "scarab" on his right shoulder pad.


The Space Crusade Marine with the Assault Canon is going to count as Psycannon. I noticed that you guys are not really fond of people playing TS with the GK Codex, but I read the relevant parts in the Chaos Space Marines Codex yesterday again and came to the conclusion, that GK really are the better Codex for Pre-Heresy TS:


  • The current Codex really stresses the bodyless automaton character, which does absolutely not fir to the Pre-Heresy TS.
  • With the GK Codex I can play a Storm Raven and Dreadnoughts counting as Storm Bird and Dreadnought prototypes just like in the book.
  • The GK strengths against Daemons make sense, too, because Magnus ultimate goal was to fight Daemons until it was too late.


Furthermore, I am obviously not going to play the currently popular Draigowing lists etc. so I hope that excuses me from using the GK Codex, too. I plan to add one more squad and give them the newly released old school Rhinos by Forgeworld. Then I will put a third squad into a Storm raven with a Dreadnought attached and then I will also do a couple Terminators. The Terminators will have to absolutely gloriously and top my standard models, but I don't see yet how I'll do that.

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Thank you. I currently live in Zürich and play at the League of Gentlemen, but I am from Soleure and I speak French - although it's far from perfect.

Aha, that's a bit far. Ah well, maybe one day we can have a game or two together ;) As for your French, it's probably better than my German :P



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With the GK Codex I can play a Storm Raven and Dreadnoughts counting as Storm Bird and Dreadnought prototypes just like in the book.



The Stormbird was quite a bit bigger than the Thunderhawk. However, I think there's a reference to a smaller transport somewhere, that might qualify as a Storm Raven equivalent.

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Again I honestly can't fully express how awesome the Tempus Fugitives 30k 'dex is for this kind of thing. Including Thousand sons rules.


Definitely! The Age of the Emperor (Tempus Fugitive) rules are amazing! The whole psychic power page for the Thousand Sons is great.

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Again I honestly can't fully express how awesome the Tempus Fugitives 30k 'dex is for this kind of thing. Including Thousand sons rules.


Definitely! The Age of the Emperor (Tempus Fugitive) rules are amazing! The whole psychic power page for the Thousand Sons is great.


Damn straight ^_^

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Is it odd that although I've never used a psyker in 40k, one of my most favorite legions are the Thousand Sons?

I love their unique armor and theme and I'd love to make an army of them some time. That is, unless my other favorite and past chapter, the Dark Angels beat them to it. :P


Keep up the good work, more pics needed!

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I love them. The conversion is so lightly applied but boldly screams Thousand Sons so appropriately.

I do find it a bit ironic that your primarily a Blood Angels guy considering, although not overtly stated, has been repeated alluded that the Blood Angels are actually descended from Thousand Son loyalists of some fashion. Both having strong psyker presence, Blood Angels having an unknown progenitor chapter, the Magnus' Rubric was cast to save them from widespread mutation where-as the Blood Angels are cursed with some of the most explicit mutation. Also, their color schemes are very similar to the Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons. Just food for thought.


Edit: Scratch that, I was thinking Blood Ravens. Still, Really great conversions.

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Again I honestly can't fully express how awesome the Tempus Fugitives 30k 'dex is for this kind of thing. Including Thousand sons rules.

So true. Better than the GK codex, because;

1 it's fluffier

2 you don't feel like you're powergaming :D

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