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Hey all...


Im thinking of having an entire squad of halberd wielding marines...not grey knights...tho nemesis halberds on other men are fine.


Just wondering if anyone knows of any other squads/men that cone with halberds. also any suggestions for a squad to covert to using them?



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Those might work if you want something aprat from grey knight ones. In a space marine army they could be relic blades. Honor Guard are the only sqaud that comes to mind where all 10 guys can be tricked out with em though. They could work as frost blades for space wolves or blades encarmine(?) for blood angels maybe.

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Thanks for the ideas...the chaos warrior halberds look good and so do the Phoenix Guard. The Empire troops are a bit basic.


The honour guard look a little OTT tbh (not sure I can get them without Marneus "bling bling" Calgar anyway), I'm really not sure what men.....I did wonder about LOTD, theyre not too bad and if I file off some of the more LOTD-esque stuff like the ribs on the chest armor then they could do.


I wondered maybe about getting some mark 6 "corvus" men from FW and putting prettying them up a bit!

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Honour guard get unlocked with any chapter master, So calgar, pedro or a generic guy. Calgar lets you take up to 3 squads of em though, but to fit 3 sqauds of honour guard in you are looking at mega point sizes. If you don't mind them being just power weapons, vanguard can all be equipped with them(make one special for their sarge to have a relic blade), as well as pretty much any regular sarge.
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What I mean is I dont think you can buy the honour guard squad without buying Mr Calgar.


Anyway, like I said they're a little over the top for my purposes...


I'm already working on a full dual-wielding LC vanguard squad anyway...so I'd rather not use them again.


A friend of mine suggested a nice idea...a bike squadron, all wielding halberds. So at the moment I'm looking into that!

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Any chapter master (named and non-named) can have honour guard, Calgar can just have three though.


what i mean is buying the models, the actual models. the only place I've seen them on GWs site is as a a pack with marneus


Its easy to convert some, just get an assault squad for example and just don't equip them with jump packs, use normal packs instead (as they come with both) add some stuff from your bitz box and there you go. Instant honour guard.

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