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Unique characters and successor chapters


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Hey guys,


I'm about to embark on building a blood angels successor chapter, BUT I'd like to get access to the multiple death companies that Astorath provides.


Now, my feeling is that since I'm using the blood angels codex, I can happily use Astorath and indeed anyone else because from a mechanics stand point the paint job is irrelevent as long as everything I'm using is in one book and could be put in one army together.


However, I can also see how opponents might object to the use of BA special characters and IIRC in the past special characters required the appropriate paintjob to be used, but since the removal of a lot of their restrictions I don't see anything that would stop me.


So before I start painting 4 units of death company, I figured I'd see how you guys feel about this kind of stuff. Is it acceptable to use chapter specific special characters in armies that aren't painted in his chapters colours as long as nothing else in the army would disqualify you from using him ?


As a side note, my full plan is (assuming the consensus is that its ok for me to do this) to convert my own super-chaplain with his own flavour but the same rules for friendlier games where people won't mind him standing in for the official astorath, but also having the real one on stand-by in case people do object.

Special characters in the current edition of warhammer are essentially specific templates you can choose as as a memebr of your force. As long as the characters wargear is modelled appropriately the special caracters rules can be used for any model you wish, and you can give him any name or paint job you care too. Using examples from the standard SM codex, all someone needs on their hq to represent Pedro Kantor is a power fist and a storm bolter, Cato Sicarius needs a power weapon and a plasma pistol, Chaplain Cassius needs a power weapon(crozius preferred but not necessary) and a combi flamer, Lysander needs a Thunder Hammer and a storm shield and so on and so forth for all the rest of them.

its the "counts as" rule, if your using the BA dex to reprisent your army, then you may use any of the special charatcers and rename them for the purpose of tabletop gaming.

my ultramarines scout army currently uses korsarro khan as captain antilochus

Also, there's no reason at all that you can't paint up a legit Astorath the Grim and use him. If your successor has Death Company, you'd better believe he'll pay your boys visits from time to time. It's fluff-wise accurate and might be what you're looking for. :D


Of course, counts-as is also an answer. <3

Doesn't it say in Astorath's fluff that he travels, visiting all the successors where he is needed? Problem solved, I'd say. There is nothing anyone can say to imply that he'd not be a valid choice, being a "BA only" character, as he certainly isn't "BA only".
  Interrogator-Chaplain Ezra said:
Doesn't it say in Astorath's fluff that he travels, visiting all the successors where he is needed? Problem solved, I'd say. There is nothing anyone can say to imply that he'd not be a valid choice, being a "BA only" character, as he certainly isn't "BA only".

Yes it does; yes he does. Yes it is. That is true. Ezra's on point. <3

  Interrogator-Chaplain Ezra said:
Doesn't it say in Astorath's fluff that he travels, visiting all the successors where he is needed? Problem solved, I'd say. There is nothing anyone can say to imply that he'd not be a valid choice, being a "BA only" character, as he certainly isn't "BA only".

Also, the person that dislikes your force because you've painted the models 'oddly' is a silly one. Many gamers I've seen never paint their armies at all. :(


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