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Kit bashed Black Templars Marshal


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Seriously like this model, you haven't used to many colours which is good but the colours you have chosen stand out nicely.


I really like the bronze/gold colour you have used, the shield is nicely quatered and the pose is pretty dynamic, great job all round!

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i look at this model and think its very beautiful. the colors work well the OSL is a nice fit on it and the shield looks great i enjoy it all. then as i look at that blade from the powerfist it made me have to rip out my death watch rpg book... because he reminds me of one of the suits of armour that is a 'relic' the black templar character can get.
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Thanks for the complements everyone. If anyone has any constructive criticism I'd love to hear it as I'm definitely trying to improve my painting game still.


Darth Potato: As for how I painted the gold it's rather easy. I used a paint called Iridescent Bronze (Fine) which is made by a company called Golden Fluid Acrylics, I purchased mine at the local Blick Art Store (I'm sure other art stores would have it as well). First I base coat in chaos black then I put on a single layer of the Iridescent Bronze. After that dries I apply a heavy Badab Black wash which I try to push into the crevices as much as possible. Once that dries I do a fine highlight around the edges with the Iridescent Bronze... annnnd that's pretty much it.


I've included a link to a place that you can buy the Iridescent Bronze from below:


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Thanks for the complements everyone. If anyone has any constructive criticism I'd love to hear it as I'm definitely trying to improve my painting game still.


Darth Potato: As for how I painted the gold it's rather easy. I used a paint called Iridescent Bronze (Fine) which is made by a company called Golden Fluid Acrylics, I purchased mine at the local Blick Art Store (I'm sure other art stores would have it as well). First I base coat in chaos black then I put on a single layer of the Iridescent Bronze. After that dries I apply a heavy Badab Black wash which I try to push into the crevices as much as possible. Once that dries I do a fine highlight around the edges with the Iridescent Bronze... annnnd that's pretty much it.


I've included a link to a place that you can buy the Iridescent Bronze from below:


Thanks a bunch, extremely helpful. I'll be looking into this soon. :)


Now let's see more of your Templars!

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Not a problem Darth Potato. I'll be posting images of my Terminators once I've finished them up. Other images of my work can be found in my gallery.


Speshtard: The eyes were painted the following way:


For the actual eye lens:

1.) Paint the entire inner eye codex grey (this is because I don't like the way the red looks if you put it on a chaos black foundation... it's too dark)

2.) Cover the entire codex grey area with a very deep dark red (I used Mechrite Red)

3.) Take Skull White and cover about 75% of the Mechrite Red area. In my case I made sure to only cover the center part of the eye thereby leaving the edges Mechrite Red

4.) Using a watered down coat of Red Gore cover the entire area you painted Skull White. This coat is watered down to ensure that some of the luminosity of the Skull White still shows through.

5.) Wash the entire eye with Leviathan Purple and let dry

6.) Select the area of the eye that you want to be the bright spot (in my case I went with about 50% of the area that I originally painted Skull White) and paint it Skull White again

7.) Paint over the Skull White with a watered down Blood Red (or whatever your brightest red is)


For the glow around the eye:

1.) Take a deep red (I used Red Gore) and really water it down (it should be to the consistency of a wash). Paint the area above and below the eye on your marines helmet. The first pass should cover the largest amount of area and should be barely noticeable. Let dry.

2.) Using the same watered down paint, do progressively closer passes towards the eye (think of this part as a circle getting smaller and smaller). Let each one dry before doing the next. This will essentially cause the 'glow' effect to be more intense the closer to the eye lens it gets.

3.) Take Skull White and do a very thin hightlight around the raised top and bottom edges of the helm where it meets the eye.

4.) Take your brightest red (I used Blood Red) water it down, and paint over the white hightlight with it.


Annnnd that's pretty much it. Let me know if any of that is confusing.


I'd also be interested in hearing if anyone has any suggestions for improving my painting. Let me know?

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