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Inititive Question

Armor Athlete

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I was wondering if during HTH, those models that have the higher I should hit first and if they cause wounds or damage and the opponent losses men then why do those men that are lost get to use thier attacks when rolling dice?


This maybe silly but I maybe be reading the rules differently. For example, I understand that Orks are ment for CC, but when they fight an army with higher I then they should suffer for being slow to swing that sword or not being able to dodge the hit.

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dead men only hit when they die in their round.

so, SM captain and a squad take on a vanilla squad.

captain strikes first (I5) and any unsaved wounds he causes result in the vanilla squad losing men (I4).

next round (i4), the captain's squad and the (now reduced) vanilla squad fight - any unsaved wounds result in casualties, but if you're "taking turns" during combat, the dead men still strike.

final round (I1) the powerfist sergeants duke it out, and the captain needs to be careful!

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Thanks. On pg 39 (AOBR Rulebook) it says:

"If a model becomes a casualty before it has an opportunity to attack then it may not strike back. When striking blows simultaneously, you may if more convenient to resolve one side's attacks and lay wounded models on thier side to remind you that they have yet to attack back."


I guess I was reading it wrong. To me it would make since as Marines are quicker and faster than Orks, just as Eldar are faster than SMs.

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though there used to be (and may still be, I dont remeber of the top of my head) some special rules/psychic powers that let dead men still attack, but outside of those few and specific exceptions, the dead do not get to attack.


the Final Vengeance perk doesn't apply to tabletop :P j/k

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What its talking about is that when two models have the same initiative youll still usually roll one units attacks, or one kind of attacks, and then another. So for example if a Grey Hunter Squad is assaulted by a Tactical Squad they all have I4. The Sarge will get his 4 powerweapon attacks at I4, rolled first for convenience sakes, but the casualties he causes will get to attack back BECAUSE they go at the same initiative and so they technically occur simultaneously, despite the order they are resolved in. Attacks at a different initiative do not happen simultaneously, and so they are not going to allow strikes back.
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The Sisters of Battle repentia unit has an act of faith that will let those who died get one attack on the turn they died. There may be other special rules similar to this in other armies.


In general, you go by Initiative order, starting at 10 and counting down. If a model is pulled as a casualty before reaching its Initiative number, it does not get a chance to attack. If it is removed on the same Initiative turn that it should go on, then it makes its attacks as normal. Only those models that have the same I truly attack simultaneously. Otherwise, if you die before your chance to swing, tough. Unless you have some obscure special rule, dead men do not get a chance to attack.

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In general, you go by Initiative order, starting at 10 and counting down. If a model is pulled as a casualty before reaching its Initiative number, it does not get a chance to attack. If it is removed on the same Initiative turn that it should go on, then it makes its attacks as normal. Only those models that have the same I truly attack simultaneously. Otherwise, if you die before your chance to swing, tough. Unless you have some obscure special rule, dead men do not get a chance to attack.


Oh and on this note some models may also strike first/last regardless of their initiative if their special rules allow it.

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though there used to be (and may still be, I dont remeber of the top of my head) some special rules/psychic powers that let dead men still attack, but outside of those few and specific exceptions, the dead do not get to attack.

For one example to go with Frosty's commnet, Tyranids used to have Catalyst, a psychic power that allowed a unit to do this. Has since been upgraded to simply FNP.

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