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Chapter Names

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So, for my chapter, I have gone through several versions of their background, and never stuck with one that really did it for me. So now I'm having another go at it, including a name change. I'm not interested in redoing the chapter colors or symbol, so I'd like to find a chapter name that fits with the symbol they have, which is a templar's cross, halved silver and black, with a skull in the middle.


At the moment, I'm thinking of Black Hussars, as the symbol is similar to a death's head, which was the traditional badge of a the hussars. Also, I don't know of any chapters with the word Hussar in their name, and I rather like it. As for the black part, well, my marines are black, so it seems fitting, but they already look a little too much like Black Templars. They do have red pauldrons, perhaps Crimson Hussars? Or repaint the shoulders and crosses to make them look less like Black Templars altogether? That is more manageable than a full repaint I guess.


I'm looking for opinions and suggestions. Again, I like Hussars a lot. They are BA successors, and I plan on delving into the Red Thirst in their background.


I know hussars originated in Hungary, but perhaps I might use Romanian (Transylvanian?) flavoring in their background or history. As for their background, I am planning on making them like, 3rd or maybe 4th founding, very old. BA geneseed is no longer used and I am thinking that they might have an early history somewhat like the Exocutioners, retaking worlds still lost since the Horus Heresy, or perhaps they are part of a larger movement by a faction within the Imperium, to try and rekindle the spirit of the Great Crusade before it is lost for good. In the end, this fails of course and the Imperium stagnates into what it is today, but my chapter is forged in its earliest days by these events, for better or worse. I like the idea of them being on the fringes of Imperial space, perhaps on the very verges of the Halo Stars, in a sub-sector that isn't really part of a Segmentum, more like an independent March, with no set outward bounderies, the chapter is free to expand it's domain as and when it can, with only periodic interference from the greater Imperium. In fact, moments when the Imperium tries to assert its authority or reestablish contact will be important events in the chapter's history.


I might have the initial founding of the chapter, and their move towards the outer reaches involve other chapters, a larger crusade effort, an attempt at a second great crusade that fails due to lack of logistical support for the new, and unbased chapters. I know there are tons of chapters that GW doesn't really use, but would I be better off creating my own for the central aspects of this story? I plan on having some of the chapters involved killed off, some will survive and perhaps remain in the region which my chapter will call home, perhaps as on again off again antagonists and allies, depending on the times. For this I'm torn between creating new DIY chapters, for which I have several ideas, or just using named GW chapters that have no real history that I know of. What are your thoughts on this?


Anyway, these are the two issues I'm most worried about and I would like to hear other people's opinions before I go too far in fleshing things out.

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Raiders is taken. :)


There is no official Chapter named the Raiders that I can recall, and the policy seems to be that no one can "claim" any name, so even if someone else chose that name for their DIY you could still use it for yours.


If you didn't follow the link, you might find the emblem interesting.


If you wanted to stick with Hussars, on the hand, perhaps you Chapter likes bikes ... ?

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I'm not sold on Raiders, but thank you for the link. My marines are black with some silver, and I don't want people to say they should be from planet Oakland. I'm a little afraid of the potential for fun my marines' expense.


Reavers? Too chaotic? Taken?


I was set on the Hussars part, but I figured someone would say it sounded too much like a IG term, not marines. They start out as a space borne raiding chapter and later settle a world and change to a heavily mechanized force. I liked how it mirrored the way actual Hussars started in Hungary and spread across Europe to eventually become the Winged Hussar, heavily armored cavalry.


However, I have come here for input, not to refute other people's ideas out of hand, so here are some further name ideas.


Dark Hussars (like I said, I don't want them to be Black, is Dark a suitable substitute? Is it different enough?)


Dark Reavers

Crimson Reavers

Black Raiders

Dark Raiders

Crimson Raiders

Black Riders

Dark Riders

Crimson Riders


Riders seems ok, but I'm not big on bikes, which people might expect form the name, but my forces ride a lot of razorbacks and storm ravens now in addition to all the jump pack marines from earlier codex editions.

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If you're suggesting that your chapter is of Dorn stock, then maybe use his aspect as Praetorian..


My Suggestions:


Shadowed Praetorians

Midnight Hussars

Midnight Templars

Shadowed Templars

Shadowed Crusaders


Are any of these along the lines you were thinking?



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So, for my chapter, I have gone through several versions of their background, and never stuck with one that really did it for me. So now I'm having another go at it, including a name change. I'm not interested in redoing the chapter colors or symbol, so I'd like to find a chapter name that fits with the symbol they have, which is a templar's cross, halved silver and black, with a skull in the middle.


At the moment, I'm thinking of Black Hussars, as the symbol is similar to a death's head, which was the traditional badge of a the hussars. Also, I don't know of any chapters with the word Hussar in their name, and I rather like it. As for the black part, well, my marines are black, so it seems fitting, but they already look a little too much like Black Templars. They do have red pauldrons, perhaps Crimson Hussars? Or repaint the shoulders and crosses to make them look less like Black Templars altogether? That is more manageable than a full repaint I guess.


I'm looking for opinions and suggestions. Again, I like Hussars a lot. They are BA successors, and I plan on delving into the Red Thirst in their background.

Well, I know this is not going to be very helpful but... Red Scorpions aren't red, Brazen Claws aren't brazen (Well, they are successors of Iron Hands so I *think*, it's about brass. ;) ) and Angels Porphyr aren't purple. You get the idea, right?


I might have the initial founding of the chapter, and their move towards the outer reaches involve other chapters, a larger crusade effort, an attempt at a second great crusade that fails due to lack of logistical support for the new, and unbased chapters. I know there are tons of chapters that GW doesn't really use, but would I be better off creating my own for the central aspects of this story? I plan on having some of the chapters involved killed off, some will survive and perhaps remain in the region which my chapter will call home, perhaps as on again off again antagonists and allies, depending on the times. For this I'm torn between creating new DIY chapters, for which I have several ideas, or just using named GW chapters that have no real history that I know of. What are your thoughts on this?

Well, if you are going to write a Index Astartes article, I would say avoid other Chapters all together, only when necessary. The center-piece of your story is the soon-to-be-named Chapter ;) and mentioning another Chapters *could* lead either to name-dropping or dilluting the center-piece of the article.


I'm not sold on Raiders, but thank you for the link. My marines are black with some silver, and I don't want people to say they should be from planet Oakland. I'm a little afraid of the potential for fun my marines' expense.


Reavers? Too chaotic? Taken?

I dunno, go and ask KingHongKong. :(


Nonetheless, "reaver" is either Imperial Battle Titan or Dark Eldar Jetbike.


I was set on the Hussars part, but I figured someone would say it sounded too much like a IG term, not marines. They start out as a space borne raiding chapter and later settle a world and change to a heavily mechanized force. I liked how it mirrored the way actual Hussars started in Hungary and spread across Europe to eventually become the Winged Hussar, heavily armored cavalry.

I don't think "hussars" are IG thing, "dragoons" maybe. By the by, I'm fine with "hussars".



Cheers, NightrawenII.

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