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40K 4x4 table (ash waste- exterminatus)

Brother Evar

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Sadly there is no terrain currently to go with this as I sold my terrain to a friend to help fund this table and other hobbies. I am thinking of it having shattered buildings like in the opening scene of Terminator 2 (minus skulls). Or lots of arcane ruins/chaos temples.
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After watching Terminator 2 (again) I am sold on the ruined urban setting over the temple idea. I was thinking of just having buildings of varying heights with one-two walls, without any footprint or being able to put guys on multi levels with walkways. That way all the action happens at ground level with the building ruins breaking up LOS for shooting/melee. I would use the walkway bits to make makshift barricades/rubble piles.


Also should I use only one building kit type, like the manufactorum or the whole kit range of buildings? IMO using the one kit type in different ways appeals to me. Would there even be skeletens outside after the firestorm trigger after the virus bombing? I think there can be skeletons after a nuke (maybe) but the Imperialum dosn't use nukes I think.

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Exterminatus, which is what I believe you're looking for, is a bit different than a nuke. First, a complicated pattern is plotted out to cover the entire planet. Then, the ships load the virus bombs and follow the fire pattern in order to hit everywhere. The virus eats away at all biological life, turning it into highly flammable biomatter(Guess where this is going. :) ). One ship then shoots the biomatter, causing a gigantically huge firestorm that obliterates huge tracts of land causing mass destruction. There should be a few structures still standing here and there.


Maybe make a large centerpiece building, with a few small, very dusty ruins around it?

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