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Chapter Tactics


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So im about to use my first Special Character that has a rule that replaces combat tactics fairly soon, i decided to try Vulkan out since he had all the same equipment as my normal captain + a heavy flamer and a new nifty rule for about 20 points more.




My question concerns his Chapter Tactics rule that replaces Combat Tactics.



If he dies during the battle, do my units revert back to Combat Tactics or does Chapter Tactics replace it for the entire battle? Thanks.

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for the most part chapter tactics is there for the whole game regardless of the Ic being on the board or not, there are some exceptions.

IIRC calgars god of war ability only works when hes in play, but i dont have my codex at hand to check this, its from memory (so take with a pinch or two)

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My question concerns his Chapter Tactics rule that replaces Combat Tactics.

If he dies during the battle, do my units revert back to Combat Tactics or does Chapter Tactics replace it for the entire battle? Thanks.

Calgar : "Whilst Calgar is on the table, all units with the Combat Tactics"

Kantor : "If you include Pedro Kantor then all units in your army exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for the"

Lysander : "If you include Lysander then all units in your army exchange the combat tactics special rule for"

Shrike : "If you include Kayvaan Shrike then all units in your army exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for"

Hestan : "If you include He'stan then all units in your army lose the Combat Tactics special rule. Instead"

Khan : "If you include Kor'sarro Khan then all units in your army exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for"

Only Clagar is written "whilst on the table", all the others are written "if you include", so Calgar's is the only rule you'd lose on losing the model.

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The "Chapter Tactics" of the special characters take the Combat Tactics of the units and turn it into something else. The reason why none of the Ultramarines Special characters has such a "Chapter Tactics" rule is simply because the default Combat Tactics are already supposed to represent the Ultramarines Chapter.


Calgar has a special rule titeled "God of War", which improves the effect of the Combat Tactics. However, the rule is not called "Chapter Tactics", and does not replace the default Combat Tactics.


Edit: Perhaps this was a bit redundant, now that the point had already been clarified...

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