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Astral Gorgons


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Hi everybody...

Here are some ideas to start this DIY

Chapter name: Astral Gorgons

Founding: 7th [Late M.32]

Origins: founded after Abbadon's failed attack on Cadia, the chapter's main mission was to strengthen monitoring of the Eye of Terror. During the 3rd Black Crusade, they found a relic of their Primarch on a chaotic strike cruiser. The questioning of prisoners led them to believe that Ferrus Manus is still alive, a prisoner of the forces of Chaos. Following this discovery, they launched a crusade to find their Primarch.

Gene-seed: Iron Hands

Homeworld: Fleet-based, Fortress Monastery is an extensively modified imperial high conveyor

Beliefs: share much in common with Iron Hands. They despise weakness and have a great reliance on technology. They are using intensively bionics to address injuries, but these bionics must remain discreet. They are secretive about their ascendency in order to conduct their quest easily. Having found what they believe is a relic of their Primarch, they think that Ferrus Manus is still a prisoner of the servants of chaos, somewhere in the galaxy.

The Iron Hands refute what they see as a lie of Chaos. This controversy has led the two chapters to battle. Even today, they are in a state of cold war.

Astral Gorgons avoid approaching Medusa as much as possible.

Organization: apparently in accordance with Codex Astartes with 9 full companies and a 10th apart. Reality is more complex: 9 War Clans are always fighting by groups of 3. These 9 clans are equivalent to Battle Companies. The first clan attacks head-on with shock assault tactics. The second acts as a reserve and secure the rear of the first. The third clan conducts covert operations and lightning strikes to destabilize the enemy. Each clan assumes a role in turn.

The 10th clan protects the support fleet of the chapter. It includes the Chamber Ferrum and the Iron Golems. The Chamber Ferrum regroups senior Techmarines. Iron Golems is composed of elite terminators. Techmarines and Iron Golems are dispatched to the 9 war clans according to their needs.

The Chamber Ferrum is responsible for the conduct of the quest.

Each War Clan has scouts used as lighly armed forces infiltrating enemy lines. Intelligence gathered is used to prepare attack by the 3 clans.

Combat doctrine: they respect teachings of the Codex Astartes. Each clan favors the aspects corresponding to the role assumed.

Battlecry: only a credo, "mente strictioris et manu ferrum" (a rigorous mind and a hand of iron)





C&C are welcome.

EDIT: this post will be updated with WIP

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I like it, the basic consepts are there, but you really need to flesh out the chapter. One idea could be to emphasise the clan thing, but really, anything to make the chapter different is good.


I hope this helps, and remember, it's you're chapter, you can do whatever you want with it.

The idea of them questing after Ferrus Manus is a very good one. It's a one that you can build your chapter's theme around. But to achieve a great chapter, you have to have this quest affect them. It's their Primarch, their spiritual and genetic (kinda :P ) father. They shouldn't just be the chapter that's pretty cool and has this quest to find Ferrus Manus. The should be the chapter that's cool because they have this quest to find Ferrus Manus. That's where you can make this chapter really unique :geek: It should be their main drive. It should affect them. If they've been hunting for him since the Third Black Crusade, they would have had about 8000 years of failure in this quest. How has this affected them? What failures, glories, disrepute and wounds has it brought them? How has their view of the quest changed over time? If you can answer all these questions in your IA, it will be well on its way! Good luck :P

Thanks for your comments.


@Sigismund: I think you just gave me the first blocks of my "yellow brick road"... :devil:


I have two difficulties:

-to keep the spirit of Ferrus Manus without making a clone of the Iron Hands

-to avoid the creation of a clone of the Dark Angels


Creating a unique spirit will be difficult. It's a quest full of traps ! :devil:

  bilbo7788 said:
I have two difficulties:

-to keep the spirit of Ferrus Manus without making a clone of the Iron Hands

-to avoid the creation of a clone of the Dark Angels Space Wolves

There, corrected for you. The Space Wolves, from time to time, set out in the search of their Primarch. It's called Great Hunt.

  NightrawenII said:
  bilbo7788 said:
I have two difficulties:

-to keep the spirit of Ferrus Manus without making a clone of the Iron Hands

-to avoid the creation of a clone of the Dark Angels Space Wolves

There, corrected for you. The Space Wolves, from time to time, set out in the search of their Primarch. It's called Great Hunt.


Taken from the Space Wolves Comprehensive History in the Librarium:


While not battles in their own right, the Great Hunts are a significant part of the Space Wolves history and each has accomplished some great good. Occasionally the Great Wolf or Rune Priests will see a vision of the lost Primarch, and declare a new Great Hunt. While none of the Great Hunts have resulted in the discovery of Russ each has accomplished some significant feat. The 2nd Great Hunt saw the recovery of Russ’ armor from the Temple of Horus on the world of Rudra situated near the dreaded Eye of Terror. The 4th Great Hunt lead to the uncovering of the Corellian Conspiracy, which had been close to taking over the Administratum in a bloody coup for power, while the 9th Great Hunt saw the destruction of the Genestealer infestations in the Gehenna systems. Every time a Great Hunt is called it seems that the lost primarch has a task in mind for his sons.


This isn't a key part of the Space Wolves character however. It doesn't define them in the way that drunken brawls, wolfiness10 and general Vikingness. So there is more than enough room in my opinion to avoid cloning the Space Wolves when basing a chapter around the theme.

There was no mistake.

I was thinking to the quest for the Fallen of the Dark Angels... I agree with Sigismund, the quest for their Primarch is not the main motivation of the Space Wolf. In my opinion it's almost a footnote.


The quest for Ferrus Manus is an absolute obsession for the Astral Gorgons, as well as that of the Dark Angels.

  bilbo7788 said:
Homeworld: Fleet-based, Fortress Monastery is an extensively modified mass conveyor

What is a Mass Conveyer? My knowledge of this type of ship is lacking and I want to know more.


The Iron Hands refute what they see as a lie of Chaos. This controversy has led the two chapters to battle. Even today, they are in a state of open war.

Astral Gorgons avoid approaching Medusa as much as possible.

For Space Marines to enter a state of Open War with another loyal chapter, the situation is beyond extreme. Open War to the Astartes means the complete and utter destruction of their enemies wherever they hide. If the Iron Hands are in open war with you, every single time you see each other from across the galaxy, you will try and annihilate each other. Open war means that you have stated to the Imperium that you consider the Iron Hands to be the enemies of the Emperor, and they have done the same for you. It means that you are not in a state of tension, cold war, or skirmish. You and the Iron Hands have each determined that there can never be acceptance or peace with each other until one of you changes your stance completely or is completely destroyed. Open War with a First Founding chapter, especially your gene-brothers, is a serious deal and all of your respective chapter's allies and enemies will be called and will weigh in on this. Be very careful before you declare war on the Adeptus Astartes. It is a big deal.


Battlecry: only a credo, "mente strictioris et manu ferrum"

I don't speak Latin, so this is gibberish. While Latin is cool and fantastic sounding, it is also a dead language. This means that whenever you throw out Latin, you should include a translation for those of us who don't speak it. If you want us to understand it that is, if you want it to remain an inside joke/reference for the Latin only speakers, then keep it as is.

  Shinzaren said:
  bilbo7788 said:
Homeworld: Fleet-based, Fortress Monastery is an extensively modified mass conveyor

What is a Mass Conveyer? My knowledge of this type of ship is lacking and I want to know more.


Oups, I made a confusion with the Chartist Mass Conveyor...I wanted to use the High Conveyor. It's a very big merchant ship (battleship size).


The Iron Hands refute what they see as a lie of Chaos. This controversy has led the two chapters to battle. Even today, they are in a state of open war.

Astral Gorgons avoid approaching Medusa as much as possible.

For Space Marines to enter a state of Open War with another loyal chapter, the situation is beyond extreme. Open War to the Astartes means the complete and utter destruction of their enemies wherever they hide. If the Iron Hands are in open war with you, every single time you see each other from across the galaxy, you will try and annihilate each other. Open war means that you have stated to the Imperium that you consider the Iron Hands to be the enemies of the Emperor, and they have done the same for you. It means that you are not in a state of tension, cold war, or skirmish. You and the Iron Hands have each determined that there can never be acceptance or peace with each other until one of you changes your stance completely or is completely destroyed. Open War with a First Founding chapter, especially your gene-brothers, is a serious deal and all of your respective chapter's allies and enemies will be called and will weigh in on this. Be very careful before you declare war on the Adeptus Astartes. It is a big deal.


Iron Hands are extremly isolationist. I view it as a private war between the two chapters. Each chapter consider the other one as heretics...


Battlecry: only a credo, "mente strictioris et manu ferrum"

I don't speak Latin, so this is gibberish. While Latin is cool and fantastic sounding, it is also a dead language. This means that whenever you throw out Latin, you should include a translation for those of us who don't speak it. If you want us to understand it that is, if you want it to remain an inside joke/reference for the Latin only speakers, then keep it as is.


For people speaking a language of latin origin, it's easy to understand (sorry, I'm french). It means "a rigorous mind and a hand of iron"

  bilbo7788 said:
Iron Hands are extremly isolationist. I view it as a private war between the two chapters. Each chapter consider the other one as heretics...


I would like to point out that open violence between loyalist chapters is extremely taboo, even slogging another marine in the face is a terrible insult. If two chapters were that close to violence, other chapters would interfere and politically slap the two until they saw reason.


If memory serves there is a passage in the latest Space Marine Codex about a similar situation which was resolved when Calgar himself told the two chapters to knock it off.


Also, if your chapter would be in open conflict with a First Founding Chapter, they'd lose... Badly! At the end of the day any First Founding Chapter has more resources to call upon then just about any other chapter out there.

  Telveryon said:
  bilbo7788 said:
Iron Hands are extremly isolationist. I view it as a private war between the two chapters. Each chapter consider the other one as heretics...


I would like to point out that open violence between loyalist chapters is extremely taboo, even slogging another marine in the face is a terrible insult. If two chapters were that close to violence, other chapters would interfere and politically slap the two until they saw reason.


If memory serves there is a passage in the latest Space Marine Codex about a similar situation which was resolved when Calgar himself told the two chapters to knock it off.


Also, if your chapter would be in open conflict with a First Founding Chapter, they'd lose... Badly! At the end of the day any First Founding Chapter has more resources to call upon then just about any other chapter out there.


However, the Iron Hands hold extreme disdain for allmost every other loyalist chapter, heck on occasion they've executed agents ofthe Inquisition who have become too nosy into their un-orthodox beliefs and the Chapter's Clan Companies even fight amongst themselves to maintain strengh through combat.


If another Chapter were to intervene in an ongoing conflict between the IH and another Chapter, it probably wouldn't end well for the peacemakers.


Just saying, with the Iron Hand's history this kind of conflict is certainly plausible.

  Iron Hands Fanatic said:
However, the Iron Hands hold extreme disdain for allmost every other loyalist chapter, heck on occasion they've executed agents ofthe Inquisition who have become too nosy into their un-orthodox beliefs and the Chapter's Clan Companies even fight amongst themselves to maintain strengh through combat.

I've heard of DA making Inquisitorial agents disappear, I've heard of the Wolves fighting the Ecclesiarchy straight up; but I don't ever recall hearing about the Iron Hands killing Inquisitors or their agents? Source? I'm mainly curious because their isn't enough information on the IH, and stuff like this, if correct, adds new layers to the Iron Hands story and make them more interesting.


If another Chapter were to intervene in an ongoing conflict between the IH and another Chapter, it probably wouldn't end well for the peacemakers.


Just saying, with the Iron Hand's history this kind of conflict is certainly plausible.

While the Iron Hands are isolationist and don't really get along with others due to their extreme ties with the AdMech and their hatred of weakness, the idea that they would declare war on an otherwise loyal chapter doesn't make sense. Open War between Space Marines is a huge deal, regardless of who the involved parties are. The other chapters will get involved to calm it down and maintain the reputation of the Astartes as a whole, and if need be the Inquisition will step in to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. Internecine feuds and warfare within the Astartes damage the reputations of all Astartes, as well as weakens the Imperium as a whole. Its a big no-no.

  Shinzaren said:
  Iron Hands Fanatic said:
However, the Iron Hands hold extreme disdain for allmost every other loyalist chapter, heck on occasion they've executed agents ofthe Inquisition who have become too nosy into their un-orthodox beliefs and the Chapter's Clan Companies even fight amongst themselves to maintain strengh through combat.

I've heard of DA making Inquisitorial agents disappear, I've heard of the Wolves fighting the Ecclesiarchy straight up; but I don't ever recall hearing about the Iron Hands killing Inquisitors or their agents? Source? I'm mainly curious because their isn't enough information on the IH, and stuff like this, if correct, adds new layers to the Iron Hands story and make them more interesting.


If another Chapter were to intervene in an ongoing conflict between the IH and another Chapter, it probably wouldn't end well for the peacemakers.


Just saying, with the Iron Hand's history this kind of conflict is certainly plausible.

While the Iron Hands are isolationist and don't really get along with others due to their extreme ties with the AdMech and their hatred of weakness, the idea that they would declare war on an otherwise loyal chapter doesn't make sense. Open War between Space Marines is a huge deal, regardless of who the involved parties are. The other chapters will get involved to calm it down and maintain the reputation of the Astartes as a whole, and if need be the Inquisition will step in to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. Internecine feuds and warfare within the Astartes damage the reputations of all Astartes, as well as weakens the Imperium as a whole. Its a big no-no.


I remind the Badab War. At the begining, Astral Claws and Fire Hawks were the only ones at war. Other Chapters went to war only because they were called to help...

On the other hand, There was direct intervention of the High Lords of Terra when Inceptors came to blows with the Doom Warriors.


In conclusion, I will take your reasonable opinion into account (that's the goal of this post... ;) ) and decrease the conflict to cold war.

  Shinzaren said:
  Iron Hands Fanatic said:
However, the Iron Hands hold extreme disdain for allmost every other loyalist chapter, heck on occasion they've executed agents ofthe Inquisition who have become too nosy into their un-orthodox beliefs and the Chapter's Clan Companies even fight amongst themselves to maintain strengh through combat.

I've heard of DA making Inquisitorial agents disappear, I've heard of the Wolves fighting the Ecclesiarchy straight up; but I don't ever recall hearing about the Iron Hands killing Inquisitors or their agents? Source? I'm mainly curious because their isn't enough information on the IH, and stuff like this, if correct, adds new layers to the Iron Hands story and make them more interesting.


If another Chapter were to intervene in an ongoing conflict between the IH and another Chapter, it probably wouldn't end well for the peacemakers.


Just saying, with the Iron Hand's history this kind of conflict is certainly plausible.

While the Iron Hands are isolationist and don't really get along with others due to their extreme ties with the AdMech and their hatred of weakness, the idea that they would declare war on an otherwise loyal chapter doesn't make sense. Open War between Space Marines is a huge deal, regardless of who the involved parties are. The other chapters will get involved to calm it down and maintain the reputation of the Astartes as a whole, and if need be the Inquisition will step in to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. Internecine feuds and warfare within the Astartes damage the reputations of all Astartes, as well as weakens the Imperium as a whole. Its a big no-no.




Read the sidebar. Of course as with so much IH fluff nothing is explicit or properly defined.


And I may have overstated the whole conflict thing, it is unlikely the IH would engage in open conflict with other chapters to be honest. However, where another chapter meddles directly in the IH's affairs it could be possible, if not that likely. But in this instance their descendants would be comitting blasphemy of the worst kind, and with the IH's disdain for the rules / standards of the Imperium voilence would be very likely.

  Iron Hands Fanatic said:


Read the sidebar. Of course as with so much IH fluff nothing is explicit or properly defined.

Well... there is the small point that the IA linked above isn't Canon... It was written by Bannus, one of the moderators here on the boards, who leads the Index Astartes: Chapters of Legends subforum. In the actual Iron Hands IA that GW printed, the only mention of the Inquisition is to note that the =][= appear relatively unconcerned with the Iron Hands. It mentions that they have identified the minor aberrations in the Chapter, but that these aberrations are harmless to the Imperium and the Iron Hand's willingness to curb weakness and their devotion to the Emperor can only be good for mankind. Nowhere does it mention them killing Inquisitors.


EDIT: Back on topic.... Cold War is much better :) Gives the feeling of extremely high tension and possible conflict, without the outright warfare. Looking forward to more info on these guys.


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