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What Black Library books do you recommend?


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Soul hunter was very good. One of my favourites. Its sequel was good as well though I preferred the first.

Lord of the night is an excellent read also.

Dark apostle was also good. Didnt much care for Dark Disciple. Dark Creed was horrible.

Daemon world is .. interesting. I struggle to call it good because the execution was flawed in places but the concept was very cool. Definately worth a read.

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Black Legion must have :

- Horus Rising


Many people talks about Storm of Iron. I think it's more Iron Warriors


More Night Lords, but excellent

- Lord of the Night

- Soul Hunter

- Blood Reaver


More World Bearer, but excellent

- First Heretic

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I enjoyed reading the following:


Soul Hunter

Blood Reaver

Storm of Iron


First Heretic


Dark Apostle was so-so. And I don't plan on reading any of the other.


For some reason I also enjoyed reading Daemon World.

Perhaps because of the grossly fat slaanesh queen.

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If you missed the Iron warriors collectors edition, and you do not feel of buying Heroes of the space marines and Planetkill to get more Honsou stories then you should buy this:

http://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/i...rs-omnibus.html (Storm of iron is included, and that book is awesome)


In the aoudio book: The dark king and the lightning tower, there is a good story of the Night lords primarch Konrad Curze.

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Fulgrim is probably the most comprehensive and beautifully described descent into depravity and Chaos you're likely to find in a single novel. For spikey Chaos war fluff, I'd look toward:


Storm of Iron

Execution Hour

Dark Apostle (Don't bother with the rest of the trilogy, the good parts are all in the first book.)

Blood Gorgons

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If you missed the Iron warriors collectors edition, and you do not feel of buying Heroes of the space marines and Planetkill to get more Honsou stories then you should buy this:

http://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/i...rs-omnibus.html (Storm of iron is included, and that book is awesome)


In the aoudio book: The dark king and the lightning tower, there is a good story of the Night lords primarch Konrad Curze.



Meh, I never really liked Dark King. It portrayed Night Haunter as a little too much "Muahahaha I am teh evulz!" To have his entire character reduced to "Oh yeah, he was really a psychotic murderer who just wanted to kill all along, he just made Curze to fool everyone" was a little disappointing.

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definately soul hunter and storm of iron, and the word bearer series, especially the first and third, dark apostle and dark creed.

First heretic, and the first three of the horus heresy series to see how the fall to chaos happens.

Why all the hate for the word bearers trilogy? I loved them, especially the first and third....though they are a bit gory and zealous !

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Storm of Iron, without the shade of a doubt. Something I mentioned in a different thread a while back when someone was asking about a good BL book...

Storm of Iron won't just cause Iron Warrior collector craze. You will have the urge to actually buy artillery pieces and lay waste to your worst enemies' house, while chanting 'Iron Within, Iron Without', as the elementary school kids you hired dig trench lines and traverses, and you hold in reserve a pack of vicious Pomerainians to carry the breach...


Sooooo....yeah. Storm of Iron.

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Storm of Iron won't just cause Iron Warrior collector craze. You will have the urge to actually buy artillery pieces and lay waste to your worst enemies' house, while chanting 'Iron Within, Iron Without', as the elementary school kids you hired dig trench lines and traverses, and you hold in reserve a pack of vicious Pomerainians to carry the breach...


This actually made me chuckle. +1 For Storm of Iron really does give you a good idea of what chaos is all about.

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Storm of Iron, without the shade of a doubt. Something I mentioned in a different thread a while back when someone was asking about a good BL book...
Storm of Iron won't just cause Iron Warrior collector craze. You will have the urge to actually buy artillery pieces and lay waste to your worst enemies' house, while chanting 'Iron Within, Iron Without', as the elementary school kids you hired dig trench lines and traverses, and you hold in reserve a pack of vicious Pomerainians to carry the breach...


Sooooo....yeah. Storm of Iron.


I don't know, Storm of Iron almost tempted me into making a Imperial Fists army, till I realized painting a decent yellow is a pain in the but.

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'Storm of Iron' is great, not only is it a decent portrayal of how formidable a Chaos force is when focused upon taking an objective, but I liked how (at the time) it tied in with the development of the 40k background that was about to happen through the 'Eye of Terror' campaign.


'Blood Gorgons' is excellent, in fact I recommend the rest of the 'Bastion Wars' series, but that one particular is an excellent portrayal of renegade Marines that have aligned themselves to some extent with Chaos. The author has clearly given their background a lot of thought, down to how they maintain their numbers, the organisation, and particular 'quireks' of characters which makes them what they are. Highly recommended.


Also, the AD-B Night Lords sequence, but that goes without saying :)

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Storm of Iron is probably a must for any Chaos player, the Night Lords books are really good, The Dark Apostle series is debatable, I'd recommend the first and second ones, I wasn't too keen on the 3rd one. Blood gorgons is also good. And as mentioned the Heresy books are really goos for the background.
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