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Cruelest, meanest legion

Lord Kallozar

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Hey all, just thought i would start up this random thread for the fun of it. Basically which force do you guys personally think is the most cruelest/ruthless/evil/badass chaos legion or warband in existance?


My vote goes to the Iron Warriors. They have always been portrayed as bitter and twisted s.o.b's who care for nothing or no one!

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On "cruelty to civilians" the Night Lords seem like specialists in this- driving the populations of entire planets into a state of utter terror.


The Red Corsairs, in an old short story "Into The Maelstrom" attack an agriworld purely in order to offer up a billion souls to Chaos on one night.


The Emperor's Children seem to do horrible things to civilians in the Battle of Terra.


So, the Iron Warriors have plenty of competition.

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The problem is that each of those have different meanings, so I'd go with the following:


Cruelest: Emperor's Children. During the Siege of Terra, wasn't it they who rampaged across the planet, slaughtering civilians just for the heck of it?

Ruthless: Iron Warriors. They will systematically take you, your home, and everything else apart, brick by brick, just so victory can be had.

Evil: Word Bearers. 'Nuff said.

Badass: World Eaters. They may be crazy and angry, but they'll rip off so many skulls that they might just rip their own off while they're at it.

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I'd have to agree with Seahawk as my first thought was to consider the different meanings of each of these words... As well, you have to think about which era you are talking about as the Black Legion at one point may have been considered the cruelest (Horus virus bombing an entire planet and turning on his own brothers and their warriors may have some sway on this) but in the current fluff, it'd probably be sad to say that all original traitor legions are 2D characatures of bad guys.


Secondly, are we really THIS bored now? I'm seeing a lot of these "who is the..." threads here lately. I guess it's to do with the overdue codex fix.



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Emperors Children, in the old IA isn't it even written that to be captured by the EC is one of the cruelest fates in the galaxy etc...? Night Lords seems to do the ole' torturoo to scare the heck out of people, EC do it out of boredom.


That was where my thinking was going. If I were facing capture by any of the Legions, which one would I fear the most?


Black Legion - maybe end up being sacrificed, maybe end up a slave somewhere.


World Eaters - probably have my head cut off sooner rather than later, but maybe end up living as a slave.


Iron Warriors - more than likely end up as slave, possibly used as cannon fodder, might even simply forget about me and leave me behind once the campaign is over. Likely to drop a cyclonic torpedo on the world out of boredom as they leave, so even being forgot about probably kills me.


Night Lords - end up as slave, live rest of my life in Wayne Manor constantly fearing that Master Bruce will come home and skin me alive.


Word Bearers - end up as slave, be forced to listen to lots of religious lectures, "no slave YOU are the daemon", and then the slave was a daemon host...


Death Guard - Papa Nurgle really only wants to help. End up as gibbering pile of festering sores, but still somehow happy in my new life.


Alpha Legion - maybe end up a slave, maybe end up as a deranged cultist in their service, maybe believe I've been liberated and spend the rest of my life believing I'm fighting for the Imperium and the good of all Mankind...


Thousand Sons - maybe end up as slave, maybe sacrificed to Tzeentch, maybe end up making unwise bargain with Tzeentch, maybe end up as a shade of purple that tastes like bacon.


Emperors Children - the possibility that I might end up enjoying what they might do to me is an even more horrifying thought than what they might do to me.


Yup. My money goes with Emperors Children as being the Legion I'd most want to avoid capture by.

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Secondly, are we really THIS bored now? I'm seeing a lot of these "who is the..." threads here lately. I guess it's to do with the overdue codex fix.

Yeah, I agree with this too. However, without the odd post like this, the chaos forums would be a ghost town. Hopefully we get a new codex after the Necron release and we'll be back on top!


Night Lords - end up as slave, live rest of my life in Wayne Manor constantly fearing that Master Bruce will come home and skin me alive.

I'm stealing this for my sig.



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Hmmm...yes, i'd say we are, indeed, bored.

Ok, let's see: I'd rule out the 1k sons, the word bearers and the death guard.

Sure, they are insane, rotting, silly bastards but, sorry imperial fans, sarcely more bloody minded or oppressive than your average loyalist marine.

Emperor's Children might be suitable candidates, at least if Bile was still their master apot, but, actually, they have lost much lustre and act like little more than a black/death metal traveling circus. No, deinitely not the children.

Black Legion, well they also seem to be suitable, odd that they were not mentioned before.

Sure Abaddon himsel is the cruellest space marine alive. Not very scary, however, and, probably, doomed to fail like his father. Still, i'd say they are good contenders for the title, as they would stop at nothing to get what they want, and what they want is destruction.

World Eaters have cool, shiny red armour, bunny ears and fancy chain weapons. They are, in a certain way, chaos' cover boys. And they just kill everything. While this is certainly "evil", its more like "insanely evil" tahn just "plain, sickening and twisted evil". I agree, they're not the kind of guys you' be inviting to a party, but i'd say they are not top tier.

Alha Legion? well, who knows? I cant recall massively evil deeds blamed on alpha legion, and, after reading legion, i am not even sure they are bad guys at all. No, not top tier evil, in any case.

Iron Warriors, on the other hand, are selfish, paranoid and resentful. Well, this makes them potential top tier in my book, i mean, they use slaves and captives just to force their opponents to waste ammo...

Night Lords: definitely top tier, ultimate nihilists that believe in noone and nothing, resistant to mutations ans, essentially, just out to kill, prey on the weaker and loot, al for it's own sake.

So, i'd say,its a hard fought battle among these 3: NL, BL and IW.

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I'd say WB are in with a shout as well, although maybe not quite as scary as NL. If they capture you, you'll either be a slave, a sacrifice, killed so they can read the future in your guts, rendered down into pulp and used for an ingredient in cement, or turned into a daemon host, so they're probably pretty nasty.


I disagree with IW. They don't do anything scary cruel like NL or EC. They use you as a slave or cannonfodder.

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Their method of creating new Iron Warriors in Dead Sky, Black Son (with a little extra detail in The Chapter's Due) is pretty nasty.


Doesn't make them cruel.


But my vote goes for EC or NL for all of the above reasons.

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I wouldn't want to be beat, let alone beat to death, so Emperor's Children take the top prize for me, closely followed by Night Lords (who are comprised of Alpha Rapists and murderers from the super criminal world)
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I would go with EC. If I heard rumors of them closing by I would rather dip my ass in a molten steel so they cant...

Heck, I just realised I would have to plug all of my openings a still and even than my prospects would be poor.

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Emperor's Children, Night Lords, World Eaters.


The other's don't come close, mainly because the others have goals and agendas other than brutalizing people. For the three above, that's all they are after. Yeah, they are all spiky warriors from hell who will most likely kill droves of innocent people, who wield grenade launchers and chainsaws. But the other Legions do it to achieve certain objectives. Even if that objective might be to enslave the world's population. The three Legions mentioned above do not care for objectives when they are attacking a world. They do it precisely to inflict as much harm and horror as possible.

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Was not expecting so many votes for the EC.

I supose, as a legion, they were scary, but i dont recall big achievements from them as of late.

The only "modern age" EC marine i remember in the BL books were in the Eisehorn series, and, fancy names aside, were far from rapers and murderers. I think they were after an artifact, or something, dont really remember.

Other slaaneshi marines that i know of, like the subjogators (i think) in demonworld, were pretty straight forward renegades following a slaaneshi mortal she-champion. Nothing too scary, actually

Is there something i am missing? Most likely there is, care to point that out? Thanks in advance!


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those were violators and they werent EC ,but a renegade chapter .


EC dont kill you like zerkers or other marines , they make you wish you died , they experiment on you, they use you for drugs . other legions either make you a slave or kill you . For EC the biggest achivment is to kill/torture you in a new way . More cruel etc.

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They'll figure out who your friends are amongst the other slaves they take, and make you watch as they torture them, brutalize them, and do many other things that perhaps a haemonculus is known for. Then they'll reduce them to a fine sludge, inject it with all sorts of mind-sparkling drugs or whatnot, and make you drink it. All so they can experience what you're feeling (oh, did I mention there would be some sort of link to your brain they could tap into). They use you and abuse you simply to be aroused at your antics, pain, terror, and suffering.


The Emperor's Children aren't just your basic renegade. They strive to feel all, both good and bad. It's a life of excess at every turn, where even in death you get high on the experience. Extreme callousness, uncaring attitudes towards anything living, so long as they feel good inside.


It's absolute cruelty.


(think of it like a parent doing every inconceivably bad thing to their kids, short of killing them, that will make the kid want to kill himself but can't, and will make the parent feel like he's trippin' with God or something)

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Everyone is forgetting the Ultramarines.


Just being around those boring jackasses for about 20-30 seconds would make me wanna kill myself. After a day? Just being near one? He doesn't even have to say anything and all of my life would be as hollow and boring as he. Give me Emperor's Children any day beyond just being in the presence of an Ultramarine :P

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What kind of state of mind does one have to be in to find an 8 foot, heavy armoured sci fi warrior with a bigass full-auto-explosive-ammo-shotgun and a chainsaw "boring"? And the one modeled after the Roman Legion/ the 300 Spartans no less. Whassupwithat? :P
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What kind of state of mind does one have to be in to find an 8 foot, heavy armoured sci fi warrior with a bigass full-auto-explosive-ammo-shotgun and a chainsaw "boring"? And the one modeled after the Roman Legion/ the 300 Spartans no less. Whassupwithat? :P


As stunning as this may sound, it was meant to be a joke :)

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Everyone is forgetting the Ultramarines.


Just being around those boring jackasses for about 20-30 seconds would make me wanna kill myself. After a day? Just being near one? He doesn't even have to say anything and all of my life would be as hollow and boring as he. Give me Emperor's Children any day beyond just being in the presence of an Ultramarine :D


Hollow and boring? Ha! Read fluff and novels dude.


These 'which legion do you think is x' always degenerate into ultra-hate. I'm a freaking WB fan boi yet I still wouldn't call UM 'hollow and boring'. They're in fact my second army as I'm enjoying playing two sides of the same coin........hollow and boring .......jeez /end irritated rant




Edit : and by fluff I don't mean anything written by Mr Ward. And to remain OT I'd call Night Lords. I was gonna call EC too but Mr 'Hollow and Boring' has irritated me too much to put an agreement in type format.

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The Emperor's Children. Being captured by them I can only imagine would just be blinding white hot agony for the rest of my days. With the other Legions, like say the Night Lords or Black Legion, you can at least have the hope you might just become a valuable slave like like Septimus (although that admittedly is a faint hope). With the Emperor's Children my existance would be rather painful.


At least the World Eaters would give you a quick death and Nurgle's worshippers are at least happy in a twisted sort of sense..

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