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Cruelest, meanest legion

Lord Kallozar

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Sounds like it's from The Culling of Grendel's World, but the incident was described with no witness interviews. Hijacking the PDF orbital broadcast systems is typical Night Lord MO. They want you to know they are coming. The unknown is always scariest because we fill it with our own hidden fears.

But does that make them "the cruelest"? I still think the Emperor's Children rank higher, and would honestly place Iron Warriors under them on second thought.


Is there anything more cruel than apathy? Than viewing people as nothing more than gears of a machine?

I get the feeling being enslaved by the Iron Warriors is equivalent of being in the concentration camps. You are worked til you die.

Would they waste food on slaves, or would death come from growing weaker and weaker til you fall, your own kin trampling you into the mud? Everyone emaciated and dying on their feet, keeping a pace meant to spare themselves a spot in some bloodsport set up by the sons of Perturabo or, even worse, on landmine detail or cannon fodder.


Maybe they do feed the slaves... what? Once a day? Unlikely, because that time is better spent digging, stoking fires, etc. And if they do.... what do they feed them? Do you think it crosses the fevered minds of these slaves? That perhaps they are devouring a family member, a neighbor, a person they knew who's body finally gave out?


In life and death, part of the machine. Iron within, Iron without.


what can be more cruel than that?


I personally regard the Emperor's Children as the cruellest Legion because their evil serves no motive beyond pleasure. The World Eaters kill (usually quickly) because they can't help it. The Night Lords kill in order to terrorize their enemies. But the EC kill people because they enjoy it.

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