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Daemon Primarchs.

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Who is your fave daemon primarch and for what reason?


Im not sure myself to be perfectly honest lol. I think my fave Chaos Primarch had to be night haunter but as for ones still alive? Im not sure i can pick.


Lorgar because his concept art is amazing! I love how he looks and that daemon weapon the size of a space marine is kick ass. Hes a tad of a dissapointment though having done nothing since the heresy but lock himself away :/


Angron because hes the only primarch to have done anything! since his ascension. Carving a path across the galaxy with 50,000 zerkers finaly ending up on armaggedon.


And perturabo because I love him and his iron warriors lol.


I would love to have seen how horus or the night haunter would have turned out if they ascended but thems the brakes.


Theres my undecided answer lol whats yours?


Any interesting concept art or models are more than welcome if you fancy posting them up.

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Who is your fave daemon primarch and for what reason?


Angron because hes the only primarch to have done anything! since his ascension. Carving a path across the galaxy with 50,000 zerkers finaly ending up on armaggedon.


The Dominion of Fire and Armageddon are different events unless they retconned the 1st war for Armageddon date... it took place 3,000 or so years after the DOF... but I agree Angron is pretty darn cool, the blue collar hard working daemon primarch, as opposed to all the lazy good for nothings who sit around the EOT.

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I like the portrayal of Angron before he becomes a Daemon Prince, and I like that he's come out of the Eye and wrecked stuff. And his equerry is a pretty cool guy, so there is that.


My favorite Legion is the Iron Warriors, but Perturabo's the Primarch with the least personality. Paranoid and brooding, sure, but about what? I really want the Horus Heresy series to flesh him out more.


I feel sorry for Magnus and Fulgrim.


Lorgar just doesn't do anything for me. I had empathy for him in the First Heretic, but that's the only place I see him as being worth paying attention to. Now he thinks in his tower all the time.

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I doubt Kurze would ever had "ascended", most likely, even if the gods wanted to elevate him, he'd just laughed at them (with a mad, bone chilling laugther to scare even the gods off).

Too bada$$ to go demon, it's a weakling's fate, after all. True men dont run away from death, but embrace it, like Kurze's own voluntary demise teaches his sons and heirs. Seeking immortality is for the weak, sick and faulty.

As far as the "coolest" demon primarch, well, it has to be Magnus, at least based on his art. He is shown to look exactly like he did as a "mortal" (well, as a primarch, actually). A servant of the god of change that is, basically, unchanged? I love that concept! On the opposite end of the spectrum, i really pity Fulgrim: he realy looks crap, poor fellow, once so proud of his charm. He is, now, more spawn than demon.

We dont really know about demonic Perturabo, so i dont count him, but i guess he is planning impossible fortresses on his home world, and is, most likely, as close to the "machine god" as possible, as far as looks (the most important thing in the 40k universe, as far as i am oncerne) go.

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The old Magnus model has a cyclops eye (centre of forehead) and wings.


A slight difference from the mortal Magnus, whose single eye was in the normal place- and where the other eye was, being blank.


Yeah, i remember that one. >It also had horns. No, i'm talking about the most recent incarnation, the one in the hh artbook. He is exactly old magnus (with armour an all, while the one youare referring to was pointlessly naked), he just has wings tipped with exhaus like mechanical bits. Looks quite col actually.

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Angron because hes the only primarch to have done anything! since his ascension.


Slight correction: the GK codex mentions that Mortarion has been active, though banished for quite a few years after a sound defeat by Grand Master Draigo.


As for the most favorite demon primarch? Tough call as they are all cool in their own ways imho. But if I had to pick, it would probably be Perturabo. Since Kurze never "turned," he doesn't actually count, but he is without doubt my favorite traitor primarch.

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Angron because hes the only primarch to have done anything! since his ascension.


Slight correction: the GK codex mentions that Mortarion has been active, though banished for quite a few years after a sound defeat by Grand Master Draigo.


As for the most favorite demon primarch? Tough call as they are all cool in their own ways imho. But if I had to pick, it would probably be Perturabo. Since Kurze never "turned," he doesn't actually count, but he is without doubt my favorite traitor primarch.



I would also note that Magnus has been out or attempted to come out (No! Not in that way!) a few times... Mainly when he smells Space Wolves... apparently he holds a grudge.

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I sort of dislike all primarchs...I mean they served their purpose, and now they aren't there. Many of the former Legions' warbands are mixtures of original legion geneseed and captured loyalist geneseed, so they aren't really 'World Eaters' or 'Emperor's Children' anymore, they just do what everybody else does, paint their armor the same color and worship the same god, but thats it.


I personally love the background about Driago-mostly cause I hate nurgle (and by extension Mortarion), and thought it was really, REALLY badass to carve his buddy's name into the Rot-god's favorite son's heart.

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I personally love the background about Driago-mostly cause I hate nurgle (and by extension Mortarion), and thought it was really, REALLY badass to carve his buddy's name into the Rot-god's favorite son's heart.


I'm not a Death Guard fan either, nor do I care for Nurgle, but that bit of fluff drives me utterly insane.

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I personally love the background about Driago-mostly cause I hate nurgle (and by extension Mortarion), and thought it was really, REALLY badass to carve his buddy's name into the Rot-god's favorite son's heart.


I'm not a Death Guard fan either, nor do I care for Nurgle, but that bit of fluff drives me utterly insane.

Same. Even to one of my least liked Legions and gods I don't wish that level of ridiculousness on.

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Got to say I like Fulgrim. I mean out of the lot he was the only one who got actually brainsexed by a demon into betraying his brothers, and showed genuine remorse by allowing the demon to take over after his horror at killing his brother. And he also killed another Primarch toe to toe, that's pretty epic even if he cheated.


But Magnus too, is a sad story, he was genuinely not going to turn at all and was only trying to leave a message for his Dad o.O And only turned against the righteous vengenece of the emperor (The Space Wolves) when his most favoured son was in danger.

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Angron because hes the only primarch to have done anything! since his ascension.


Slight correction: the GK codex mentions that Mortarion has been active, though banished for quite a few years after a sound defeat by Grand Master Draigo.


Actually, it's a key point in Mortarions background, and the entire reason Typhus is doing what he does, that Mortarion doesn't do anything. He just sits around on new Barbarus, making plagues, and that's about it.

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So the dominion of fire and the 1st armaggedon war were two seperate incedents? That means Angron has done double of any other daemon primarch. Anything to do with him beeing second best to Doombreed? lol.

do love the image of him marching down his throne room roaring his eternal rage and hatred, flanked by his retinue of bloodthirsters while thousands apon thousands of berzerkers scream, roar and chant till their throats bleed.


I know magnus has tried to enter the mortal universe a few times but theres the key word, tried.



The idea of a mortal being able to kill Motarian troubles me even if it is the chapter master of the grey knights. I know the daemon primarachs arent the most powerful of daemons princes but I always assumed Motarian had a great deal of power seeing as how he could reshape a planet to look like Barbarus.

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Got to say I like Fulgrim. I mean out of the lot he was the only one who got actually brainsexed by a demon into betraying his brothers, and showed genuine remorse by allowing the demon to take over after his horror at killing his brother. And he also killed another Primarch toe to toe, that's pretty epic even if he cheated.


But Magnus too, is a sad story, he was genuinely not going to turn at all and was only trying to leave a message for his Dad o.O And only turned against the righteous vengenece of the emperor (The Space Wolves) when his most favoured son was in danger.


Well technically he killed two primarchs toe to toe(well he "mortally wounded" the Blue Boys daddy who then got stasis fielded) but all he seems to do since the Heresy is vacation of the "Pleasure Planet" apparently no one can find.

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So the dominion of fire and the 1st armaggedon war were two seperate incedents? That means Angron has done double of any other daemon primarch. Anything to do with him beeing second best to Doombreed? lol.

do love the image of him marching down his throne room roaring his eternal rage and hatred, flanked by his retinue of bloodthirsters while thousands apon thousands of berzerkers scream, roar and chant till their throats bleed.


I know magnus has tried to enter the mortal universe a few times but theres the key word, tried.


Oh her certainly came out at least once... and then tried at least one other time if not more.

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Draigo is a fluff abomination



QFT.......a travesty against the eyes.


Favourite has gotta be.....Lorgar.


More depth than your regular pewpew dakka dakka FORTHEEMPEROR Primarch *cough* lemanrusssanguiniusrogaldorn *cough*




(dons flame proof jacket)

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>> Saa, the way you always sign off makes me cringe, because 'saa' is basically Japanese for 'Or something like that'.


I'd say Magnus, because he's sympathetic.


As far as Draigo goes, he's obviously a daemonic simulacrum anyway. How else would he be a Chapter Master and an eternally cursed Warp wanderer?

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So a mortal who was at one point a normal boy can take on a Primarch? Draigo still doesn't make any sense no matter what way you put it. He makes me angry and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.... :P


I think Magnus is tied with Lorgar as my second favorite. Mortarion needs to be fleshed out more and so does Pert before a decision can be made there.

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I would like to see more of Perturabo myself. An official image of him as well would be cool. I honestly think if Perturabo were to bring his grand companies together and invade real space there wouldn't be alot that could stand in their way. There's no bastion, fort, fortress monestary, palace or temple that wouldn't be taken apart brick by bloody brick.


I would also like to know what mortarians daemon form looks like. There only seems to be images from him during the crusade and heresy.

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I would like to see more of Perturabo myself. An official image of him as well would be cool. I honestly think if Perturabo were to bring his grand companies together and invade real space there wouldn't be alot that could stand in their way. There's no bastion, fort, fortress monestary, palace or temple that wouldn't be taken apart brick by bloody brick.


I would also like to know what mortarians daemon form looks like. There only seems to be images from him during the crusade and heresy.

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Angron because hes the only primarch to have done anything! since his ascension.


Slight correction: the GK codex mentions that Mortarion has been active, though banished for quite a few years after a sound defeat by Grand Master Draigo.


As for the most favorite demon primarch? Tough call as they are all cool in their own ways imho. But if I had to pick, it would probably be Perturabo. Since Kurze never "turned," he doesn't actually count, but he is without doubt my favorite traitor primarch.



I like to think that the "Heart of Mortarion" is a tank or dish. Primarchs are kept out of 40k because of the scale of their skill and physical abilities. Daemon primarchs are kept out for their apocalyptic powers. Having a character even survive fighting a daemon primarch is just too much in my books.

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