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Help equipping DC squad


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I was hoping to get some ideas on equipping my latest DC squad. Specifically, I want to do a small jump pack squad that can be accompanied by a JP chaplain in a raven. Ideally, I would like to keep the cost of this unit reasonable so doing a 400pt 5man deathstar unit would not be acceptable. Anyone have a good recommendation? Would help if you happen to have experience with this type of unit.


Thank you in advanced for your assistance.

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I know it's not really what you are asking for, but if you want to keep the points cost down, I really have to recommend dropping the jump packs. If they're already in a Raven, mobility isn't an issue, and dropping the packs gives you some points to add a few guys and (here's what you actually asked for) a single fist or hammer, as well as a power weapon or two. Adding more power weapons than that results in diminishing returns because the number of attacks you'll be piling on will likely allow your opponent to start stacking power weapon wounds on the same models.
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I was hoping to get some ideas on equipping my latest DC squad. Specifically, I want to do a small jump pack squad that can be accompanied by a JP chaplain in a raven. Ideally, I would like to keep the cost of this unit reasonable so doing a 400pt 5man deathstar unit would not be acceptable. Anyone have a good recommendation? Would help if you happen to have experience with this type of unit.


Thank you in advanced for your assistance.


As awfulawful has already said, "cheap Death Company" and "jump packs" aren't phrases that make for comfortable bedfellows.


If you particularly want a jump pack unit, then you get an excuse to pop Lemartes into the squad and, to be honest, I reckon it's almost worth it for him alone. Take maybe five Death Company, one power fist and two power weapons, plus Lemartes. You're on 380 points there, but you're going to annihilate pretty much anything you get to hit.


For a cheap unit, I'd say take the same set-up, but without jump packs and using a Chaplain in place of Lemartes. That weighs in at 255 points, I think. It'll still do massive damage to anything it comes across, but you're not going to be quite so powerful as with Lemartes in place.


For myself, I either aim for a larger squad with a power fist/thunderhammer plus two power weapons and then a minimum of three ablative wounds, or I go for a smaller squad with a power fist/thunderhammer and then three or four power weapons, with no ablative wounds. It depends on who I'm fighting and how sure I can be of getting the charge and initiative in combat.

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Well, if they are in a raven, you might want to drop the jump packs and get more guys.


But for 5 guys and a chaplain in a raven how about:


5 DC, packs, 1 thunder hammer, 1 power sword, Lemartes. 370 points.


If in a raven, I'd go with:

10 DC 1 fist, 1 hammer, 1 power weapon, lemartes. 420 points.

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When I run them, it's usually either 10 with two Inferno Pistols, Thunder Hammer and Power Weapon in a drop pod (also bolters all around except the PW and IPs) or 9 with Thunder Hammer, Power Weapon in a Rhino with a Chaplin with Power Fist.


Both have worked out well in the past; being extremely annoying to my enemies plans.

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In my opinion, there are two ways to do DC in jump packs:


1. As a Deathstar, where you make up for the small unit size with power weapons.


2. As a cool unit, were you keep points down by giving them maybe a powerfist/thunder hammer and a power weapon. It might not be the most cost effective unit, but, hell, rule of cool.



5 DC with Jump packs, 1 TH and 4 PWs comes out to 265, plus Lemartes, 415. Or just keep it cheap for 215.

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I know it's not really what you are asking for, but if you want to keep the points cost down, I really have to recommend dropping the jump packs. If they're already in a Raven, mobility isn't an issue, and dropping the packs gives you some points to add a few guys and (here's what you actually asked for) a single fist or hammer, as well as a power weapon or two. Adding more power weapons than that results in diminishing returns because the number of attacks you'll be piling on will likely allow your opponent to start stacking power weapon wounds on the same models.


You don't have to worry about PW stacking until you start to get quite a large DC squad, except for extreme cases.

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Use magnets. I have 5 static marines with pistol and chain sword and I have 5 with magnatized arms for PW, Plama, infernious, and PF. I have even considered magnatizing some bolters just for fun. Also all 10 have jump packs and backpacks magnatized. it saves alot of money for your weapon options. you can get magnets from just about any where. thewarstore.com or kjmagnetics.com I use 3mm for marine arms
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I've tried magnets and the results were less than stellar. I like the seems of the body parts to look more connected than magnets do.


You need to drill a hole in both the torso and the arm, then the magnets sit flush against the models surface, giving a perfect join.

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You need to drill a hole in both the torso and the arm, then the magnets sit flush against the models surface, giving a perfect join.


I know this and yet the arms end up looking like articulated limbs from a action figure which is not a look I enjoy.

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I had problems with magnets like you describe Spagunk. I think I didn't get the magnets "flush enough" with both the torso and shoulder (or maybe the the magnet in the shoulder was at a slight angle).


Back to the DC question. I run a squad of 9 with Chaplain, 2 power weapons and 1 fist. If I was going to give them Jump Packs then I would drop them down to 5 keeping the 2 power weapons and fist.


I love Infernus pistols but I feel my mad crazy loons that make up the Death Company should be fighting hand to hand and not volley charging things :). I know it's not very sensible but it feels right for me.

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Yeah, i get the impression that the IP is probably more suited for things like the HG or the SG where they need to pop a transport to assault the squad inside. Since DC are hard to control, you probably have a better chance popping a transport with devastators before the DC get into assault.
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I have to agree with the IP being more redundant in DC squads. My loadout is the typical 2x PW and 1x PF because in my mind the moment they reach combat i expect their victims to be climbing out of their wreck of a transport by using my anti tank weapons to mangle them. Otherwise if in a strormraven i would arrange to have them to hit things i know will be squishy. Leave the vehicle killing for the vehicle killers and the PF can take care of those occasional pesky dreadnaughts or whatnot. Just my two cents worth :confused:
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