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Bipedal Defiler

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I'm not really a fan of bipedal Defilers but i've got to say that is pretty awesome. I would definitely suggest converting it from the Dreadknight rather than the regular Defiler. I think the regular Defiler looks far too lanky on two legs.
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These ones are my favorites : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/189538.page





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I........... :) .........want........these




....or something like that

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Ah, this make's me want to finish mine:




This is the unpainted version. I have some paint on it but no way near finished. When seeing Lemmingspawns bipedal Defilers I too had the urge. I have started this project a long time ago but haven't come around to complete it proper. After (finally) finishing up 1500pts of Iron Warriors I have taken a long brake. Looks like I'll be picking up the old brush again.


In my "Vandael's Iron Warriors WIP" I've posted al the bits used in this badboy.

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LOL, thanks for all the replies people!


The inspiration came from Lemmingspawns work. I'd liked the fact that you can have a standing Defiler/Knight Titan without it looking too flimsy. All it took after that was a lot of time. Serious, if I can do it anyone can.


Here's the link to my WIP in building this deamonic deathengine:


Vandael's Iron Warriors WIP


Built almost entirely from the Defiler kit.


Cheers everyone!

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