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tyranid synapse question.

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This came up in a game recently. I had attacked 20 termagaunts and won combat by 10th wounds. They were out of synapse and failed morale. I failed to sweep. Next turn he moved a synapsr creature into range and so even though I was still within 6" of them, rallied because of fearless and moved past me and on to a different unit.


I take it this is correct, but I just wanted to check the giving back of fearless to a routing troop

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The precedent is set with the Eldar FAQ (Avatars have the same Fearless bubble):


Q. If an Eldar unit finishes its fall back move within

12" of a friendly Avatar (or he moves within 12" of a

unit that is falling back), does the unit immediately


A. Yes, the unit immediately regroups, just like a unit

that is assaulted when falling back (this means that it

ignores regrouping restrictions and it does not move

the usual 3”). Also note that regrouping as described

above is the only thing that the unit can do in that




But it unfortunately does not apply to Tyranids.

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The USR for fearless states "If a unit that is falling back gains this rule, it will automatically regroup at the beginning of its movement phase, regardless of all normal restrictions on regrouping." So yes they would regroup automatically, but the way you described it doesn't sound legit. At the beginning of the turn they should have continued running toward table edge, then synapse regroups them then next turn they are back to normal. If I am reading it right the synapse creature moved closer they regrouped and moved as normal in the same turn. they should have had to wait til the following turn to move as normal.


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The USR for fearless states "If a unit that is falling back gains this rule, it will automatically regroup at the beginning of its movement phase, regardless of all normal restrictions on regrouping." So yes they would regroup automatically, but the way you described it doesn't sound legit. At the beginning of the turn they should have continued running toward table edge, then synapse regroups them then next turn they are back to normal. If I am reading it right the synapse creature moved closer they regrouped and moved as normal in the same turn. they should have had to wait til the following turn to move as normal.


This is correct. They would have had to end their first fall back movement in the Synapse range before their turn to ge able to move them.

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I'm a not so sure if it's correct.

In previous edition You were moving units that fall back before any other unit, in the movement phase.

Now I cannot find anything that say so. In rulebook it is only written that units falling back does so instead of moving normally. When moving normally I can choose the order in which I move my models.

If I'm correct on this the Tyranid Player done it right.

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AFAIK regrouping occurs before movement and, if succesful you can make a special 3" regroup move but cannot then move again in that movement phase. The fall back move only occurs if the unit does not regroup.


So in the OP's example, the termagants would automatically regroup and gain the 3" move but cannot then move further in the movement phase (although they could still run in the shooting phase).

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I'd check the wording in the Tyranid Codex as well. I remember something about the timing of when the Synapse check is made, and it might be at the beginning of the player turn, in which case it doesn't matter, because the Gaunts won't become Fearless until a full turn after reaching Synapse.


Isn't the "my units flee toward Synapse range instead of the table edge" a 4th Edition Nid Codex rule?

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If a unit that is falling back is within synapse range before it moves, it automatically rallies, regardless of any normal restrictions.


As mentioned above, this means they may make an immediate 3" move but cannot then move further in the movement phase but can shoot (or run) or assault normally.

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A unit that is within synapse range is not subject to the Instinctive Behaviour rule (see below) and gains the Fearless rule as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. If a unit that is falling back is within synapse range before it moves, it automatically rallies, regardless of any normal restrictions.

I can find no RAW in the BRB that forces Compulsary Moves to occur first, that was in an earlier edition of the rules. And the current wording of the Tyranid rule tells me that you can delay a broken units move until after you move a Synapse creature into range of the unit, thus it would benefit when it came time for you to move that unit. Sounds like your friend did everything by-the-book.

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I'd check the wording in the Tyranid Codex as well. I remember something about the timing of when the Synapse check is made, and it might be at the beginning of the player turn, in which case it doesn't matter, because the Gaunts won't become Fearless until a full turn after reaching Synapse.


Isn't the "my units flee toward Synapse range instead of the table edge" a 4th Edition Nid Codex rule?

"Synapse Creatures and Tyranid units that are within 12" of a Synapse Creature are said to be within synapse range. A unit that is within synapse range is not subject to the Instinctive Behaviour rule (see below) and gains the Fearless rule as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. If a unit that is falling back is within synapse range before it moves, it automatically rallies, regardless of any normal restrictions." C:T page 33


Next turn he moved a synapsr creature into range and so even though I was still within 6" of them, rallied because of fearless and moved past me and on to a different unit.

What do you mean by "moved past" you? A unit that has regrouped may not move that turn, although it may run.

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