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World Eater Fluff

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Fine. Sorry. Anybody got any home-made World Eater or Khornate warband fluff?:down:




I'd define interesting by an interesting take on things....


For example...My Warband has a large amount of possessed, who have a large range of duties. For example, they communicate with an allied Daemon Cohort, they act as my warbands navigators, conducting blood rituals, and using their daemonic abilities to navigate through the warp. They can latch onto a navigators presense through the hellstorm of the warp, and hunt it down. Allowing them to target any target ships and be all piratical for slaves and supplies (World Eaters can do it too). They also, when commanded, allow my zealous lord to communicate with daemons, Khorne himself (on the rare occasion his gaze can be averted), and allied warbands via sorcerous/daemonic means. Obviously, on the battlefield, my possessed also act as a more dangerous version of berzerker, a few resorting to "hunting" as opposed to charging wildly.


I'd say that that's an interesting take on the fluff....considering (from what I can gather anyways), World Eaters would sooner mount a psykers head on a pile of skulls, than use them at all, or would have a smartass human going around saying "YOU NEED ME" if they had one... I think any world eater would take my warbands approach^.^, + they act as much more than navigators, also summoners, leading the warband to fresh battles, and able to commune across the warp. A bit of a vital thing for my warband in particular.


I've got other bits, being worked on though...such as where I gathered such a large amount of terminator armour for such a small warband (1/4 of my force is in terminator armour), where I gained large amounts of vehicles, how my warband maintains it's ship...mostly logistics and maintenance. I could write about the mass murders though. Got some interesting idea's there too dw.


So I went on a bit of a rant^^ but, I'd love to hear other people's takes on things.

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Don't have any short fiction or anything, but this is the basic background for my World Eaters army: the Legio Cruentus.


The Legio began its existence as the 12th Company of World Eaters, led by their Captain Malos Bael, and had been placed in the rather unceremonious position as a Crusade-equivalent of a reserve company. The World Eaters, being a largely assault-based legion, was in constant need of reinforcements and so often recruited from subjugated worlds with a strong martial tradition; the 12th Company became the recruitment and training company for one such world. When the Heresy broke, Bael chose to side with the rebels - but did so more out of spite and impatience than through any loyalty to his primarch. They rampaged through Imperial space for the majority of the Heresy, never joining in the attack on Terra but were forced to retreat with the rest of the traitor army when Horus died.


Within the Eye, Bael ascended to Daemonhood within mere centuries after taking the head of a powerful Slaaneshi champion as an offering to Khorne. This eventually proved to be his downfall: he became complacent and lost interest in invading Imperial space. Three of his champions - the Chaos Lords Achaeus, Belisarius and Angelus, who collectively called themselves the Triarchs - conspired against him: they destroyed his form and enslaved his soul within the dark blade of an axe. The wielder of this blade is Achaeus, the Triarch who battled the Daemon Prince in single combat and was ultimately responsible for banishing his former commander, and who became the de facto leader of the Triarchs and enacted a series of reforms: the company would thenceforth be known as the Legio Cruentus (Gothic for "Bloothirsty Legion") and would always remain mobile to continuously launch raids and claim skulls for Khorne. He encouraged Berzerkers from other Chaos and renegade forces to join him, thus becoming the commander of the largest of the three parts of the Legio. The other two sub-forces are commanded by the other Triarchs: Belisarius leads a large contingent of Chaos Terminators, while Angelus sweeps the battlefield with Raptors, bikers and the other, faster elements of the Legio.

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I like the idea of factions within a warband...makes them seem more relatable to us.


I see my warband as having a fair few factions. The Terminator bodyguard, who serve Kraull, the Possessed, who also serve Kraull, but would argue over who is more favoured with the Terminators (Which is arguable), and then the sh**kicker Berzerkers...who strive to become either the possessed or Terminators, depending on their own personal ambitions. Yet, at the same time, serving their own champions/goal until their time to progress through the warband arises. Until, ultimately, they can challenge Kraull for leadership.


Weeding out the weak through constant battling and scheming^.^

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No, not all World Eaters or followers of Khorne are crazy; remember, the Blood God, like all Chaos Powers, is made up of varying aspects and extremes; some of his followers will emphasize one aspect over the others, or aspects that are more esoteric.


For example, Khorne is the Lord of War in all its aspects. this was particularly apparent in early incarnations of his followers, who were not close combat specific, but carried a range of weapons from bolters to heavy weapons, from plasma guns to power fists. Similarly, Khorne is the master of martial pride and vengeance; the Great Hound of the eternal Hunt, and so on and so forth. Perhaps your Khornate marines are hunters rather than berserkers, seeking out and tracking down fitting opponents for their mettle, or maybe they are harbingers of vengeance (nice name for a warband, IMO), or samurai-like butchers who wage their campaigns of bloodshed based on a very particular martial code.

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