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Spartan Themed Armor


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I have plans of building a Spartan themed DIY chapter. The biggest challenged Ive faced so far is finding armor that looks like it belongs on a spartan. So far I have checked Scibor and like their shields but am not a fan of the actual armor. Not too sure about Chapterhouse or Maxmini either. I am really starting to like the look of Anvil Industry's pieces but wanted to know if there was anywhere else I should be looking as well.


Any help is much appreciated.

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I'm not sure why you would want to fully convert spartan like armor when SM already have some of the best looking power armor.


Round Shields, Spears, and Capes are what should be your major conversions for a spartan themed force.


I had plans to do a roman legion-esque army before I started storm lords, my conversions were just Roman Shields and equipment along with their helmet crests. You don't really want to mess with power armor, that's what makes a space marine a space marine.

What Tanith Ghost posted is basically all from Scibor, so no need to go over BitsBox when you can order from them directly.


But we sell them for cheaper :) I wouldn't recommend the Spartan bodies from Scibor however as they are quite large but would work on terminator sized models.


I actually have a Spartan themed Space Marine Army. Here's a link to the thread on Warseer.


I use the heads from maxmini on some models. I did make an assault squad using the Sanguinary guard torsos too, I'll try and find them so I can photograph them.

Thanks all for the help so far.


Let me clarify a little because I was a tad vague in the initial post. I am specifically looking for helmets/crests and shields. I only plan on using spears sparingly and would only consider switching the Body Armor if it looked fittingly awesome because I agree that SM Armor is already epic. And I do plan on using Sang armor for one of my elite units :blink:


Just something about those nipples...


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