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Nurgle questions


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hey guys, my gf is making up a nurgle-style army, and she's going to have her core troops be 4 7-man PM squads, 2 are plasma, 1's melta, and she's thinking of making the 4th one flamers.


her question is, what units from the codex are a good choice to invest in? she wants to know what heavies, elites, and hq's go well with the PMs she wants to field, and she does 'not' want demon princes; she wants to look more...i dunno, mariney? i think it may also have to do with how well she's seen a tzeentch demon weapon lord does in my buddy's army, and she's aware of how many local gamers play grey knights and doesn't want to give them a "please kill my HQ" on a platter. so avoiding princes, what is a good build for a pair of HQs?


If possible, BIG if, could you suggest good unit choices that are also not expensive to purchase from the store; she's more frugal than me and if she sees the recommendations are expensive to buy, she just wont buy them.

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Heh, sorta want it all, eh? Nurgle raptors, bikers, and chosen are all possible but are less than terriffic. There are many units that can be Nurgle marked, but it is expensive and often is not terribly effective.

Typical good 'pure' Nurgle options are Plague marines and DPs, but you have the former covered and are disinterested with the latter. I wouldn't worry about fast attack, but heavy support is key. Competitively, obliterators are very nice. Hobby-wise, they are a decent option, as they can be made fairly cheaply from chaos or loyalist termies and some big guns haphazardly welded on.


Chaos sorcers are rather dismal in terms of combat and psyker ability (psy hoods), so sounds like a Nurgle Chaos lord is the way to go. Dual lightning claws or a multi melta is probably how I would run 'im.

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She's got 2 8-man zerker squads, each with a PF champ, so that covers her 6 troop slots; would typhus be worth his point cost under a 1750pt game? He's fairly point-heavy. And do you guys feel nurgle demon weapons on lords are useful? Having always wounds on 4+ seems a bit weak if facing run of the mill marine and guardsmen players. She bought a termy lord, and I mag'd all the arms so she's got all the options that kit offers for an HQ; maybe I'll kitbash a scythe for the lord to counts-as typhus too. I hadn't thought of the termy conversions into oblits, I like that idea. Does 2 squads of 2 each sound like a good start for heavy support? And what about chosen? We were thinking her possessed models could stand-in for them and be 4 dual claws, and a guy with a flamer, given how they're modeled. The fact her army has a Halloween theme to it should cover why they looked like possessed marines; trick-or-treater chosen lol. Her other lord is a guy with wings and a sword, so he's been used as the flying demon weapon guy with mark of whomever seems best at the time.
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And do you guys feel nurgle demon weapons on lords are useful?
Considering it is the best one we've got at the moment, I quite like it.

Too bad that the Lord himself is a crappy choice. Then again, she doesn't want princes, so a Lord with MoN + DW it is? :)


Having always wounds on 4+ seems a bit weak if facing run of the mill marine and guardsmen players.
You should read the poison rule again in the BRB. It allows you to reroll to-wound if your strength is equal to or greater than their T. :lol:
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"is" it a poison(4+) weapon?? I didn't see any mention of it using the poisoned rule, only that it always wounds on a 4+ regardless of toughness. I know the poisoned rule well since I use hellfire rounds on a few of my captains, but I didn't think a nurgle weapon had that, just a similarly worded power that made no mention of the re-roll option of poisoned weapons. If that's the case, that is a more enjoyable weapon choice
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"is" it a poison(4+) weapon?? I didn't see any mention of it using the poisoned rule, only that it always wounds on a 4+ regardless of toughness. I know the poisoned rule well since I use hellfire rounds on a few of my captains, but I didn't think a nurgle weapon had that, just a similarly worded power that made no mention of the re-roll option of poisoned weapons. If that's the case, that is a more enjoyable weapon choice


Short answer....yes it's poisoned :) happy days




....or something like that

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"is" it a poison(4+) weapon?? I didn't see any mention of it using the poisoned rule, only that it always wounds on a 4+ regardless of toughness.
Short answer, yes.


Longer answer, Page 93, C: CSM + page 42 (from memory) in the BRB.

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