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Imperial Bastion


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My brother-in-law bought me an Imperial Bastion for my birthday and as I was looking at the box I noticed you cannot go "inside". So I got my rule book out and read up on buildings. The way I read it is I can put my troops on top, and use the building as impassible terrain. The gun i will just use for fluff and not actually ever use it. I just want to make sure that I "can" put my troops on the roof top, granted I would have to deploy them at the start of the game up there or use assault marines with jump packs. Am I reading the rules correctly?
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The BRB offers general advice on how to handle intact buildings. The main piece of advice they offer is "discuss it with your opponent before starting the game". That's it. Putting troops on top of a building, having it count as impassible or embarkable, what its armor value and "transport capacity" is, all of this you should discuss and agree with your opponent before deploying forces.
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its quite a versatile piece of scenery:


If I remember right you can make it up as a ruin (you can make a secondary floor for the inside and blast/remove panels/part to allow TLOS inside)BRB p82


Use it as a bunker with/without a battlement BRB p78(think of it like a static tank).


or as impassable terrain.


Remember it has weapons on it as well so that can add to the "fun" and the lascannon could be used as a separate piece of terrain (think of a emplacement in a deployment zone to counteract the bastion in the other zone).

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Buildings are a bit of an odd beast in WH40k; they get their own chapter. -_- I recommend you give it a careful read through.


Also, if you can get your hands on a copy of the Planetstrike rules, you can see the actual Bastion rules which are extensions/modifications upon the building rules particular to Bastions.

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