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Nice update! Gruund looks awesome. That is a great kitbash and the paintjob is ace! The deathwatch marine is looking good with your always crisp paint job and I like the changes to the bolter. Going to borrow some ideas from you there to use myself. Is the ammo drum from a bolt rifle?


And looking forward to the exciting half of the dread.:wink:


The nice thing about having unfinished projects is it's a mixed blessing because they are there ready to go when the muse takes you. The flip side is they are always there.:mellow.:

Oooh I love Gruund's pose! Really well done.

Thank you, I wanted him kind of hunched and wary given his background.



Nice update! Gruund looks awesome. That is a great kitbash and the paintjob is ace! The deathwatch marine is looking good with your always crisp paint job and I like the changes to the bolter. Going to borrow some ideas from you there to use myself. Is the ammo drum from a bolt rifle?


And looking forward to the exciting half of the dread.:wink:


The nice thing about having unfinished projects is it's a mixed blessing because they are there ready to go when the muse takes you. The flip side is they are always there.:mellow.:

Cheers, brother. I like him a lot.


Yep a bolt rifle bit after a little cutting, those ammo drums always seem to be cheap on bits sites so I picked up a few just to play with. They're pretty chunky.


Heh, exciting will be up for you guys to decide, but the more detailed bits always seem to come together quicker


Definitely blessing and curse, I have a 7 model Malifaux crew I started 3 years ago that's still a couple off completion at my current rate!

  • 3 months later...

Tomas Erasmus - Acolyte


One of the sergeants steadfastly loyal to Kapitein de Vries, Erasmus fought for Esko with the heart and strength of the lions of Terran myth, with a personal kill tally beyond measure, yet effectively exiled by the cowardice and self-interest of those who failed his homeworld completely. Like so many in the Esko PDF, he bore witness to slaughter and torture of the planet's populace that couldn't have been conceived in even the darkest of nightmares. Experiences so far in excess of that a man like he could ever have expected, experiences that broke many of those battling, seemingly in vain, on Esko's behalf. Not Erasmus. In addition to the general attrition of engagements he was twice the only survivor of his unit holding a strategic location against the cruel onslaughts of the Dark Eldar menace*. The more he was exposed to their vile depravity the stronger his resolve to resist became and it was rare to see him away from the front lines, typically only orders would make him stay for longer than it required to gather supplies.  

When Vyke secured the services of de Vries and thus his men, Erasmus was mere hours away from execution. Though humble, he knew the efforts he and many of his comrades, too few of them surviving to deliverance, had made to preserve Esko and when the governor's enforcers came to seize him for court martial he killed four of them in a rage before being subdued. He was retrieved from incarceration bloodied, filth-stained and hollow-eyed. Kept in isolation and mistreated by those who had scarcely lifted a finger for the planet or its people seems to have done what the xenos could not and broke his spirit. He is now a tactiurn man seldom given to expressions of joy or amusement except in a fight or in response the gravest of gallows humour.

His weapons, commanding officer and few remaining comrades are his only connection to the planet he endured so much to save; all are sources of both comfort and anguish. He fights the enemies of the Imperium as directed by Vyke, through de Vries, with an unrestrained fury as though each one felled by his chainglaive might alleviate the collective weight of injustice, separation and grief that constantly threaten to suffocate him. The cumulative impact of his experiences may have left him beyond peace, but he is a fearsome weapon in the Inquisition's arsenal and Vyke knows that if he should need to resort to a pure show of force that Erasmus will be in the thick of the fight a seemingly indomitable presence.

Archive note: On each occasion he was relieved by de Vries, which may in part explain the extent of his devotion to the kapitein.


In case anyone needs a refresher on de Vries and Esko background

Kapitein de Vries came to Vyke's attention during the aftermath of a massive Dark Eldar raid on Esko. The Esko PDF, in which de Vries served, was all but annihilated as it attempted to withstand the ferocious onslaught of multiple covens; a scale of attack they were woefully ill prepared to deal with unleashed upon their world. de Vries was but one of a handful officers who survived the ordeal and almost unique in that his continued existence came about despite being a constant presence on the front lines, standing shoulder to shoulder with his men while both superiors and subordinates cowered in underground command bunkers or simply deserted, shirking their responsibilities to the world and its citizens world. His inspirational leadership, married to a keen strategic mind and an indomitable resolve, was credited with preserving the planet's largest hive and stalling the raiders long enough for Imperial naval support to arrive and drive the xenos away

  Rather than being lauded and rewarded for his efforts de Vries found himself court marshalled for disobeying orders to abandon fortifications key to protecting the civilian population in order to guard the PDF high command. Imprisoned along with several of his most trusted surviving NCO's, he was offered up by those who had failed Esko as a scapegoat for their ineffectiveness and cowardice. Vyke was with the relief fleet and having caught wind of the conspiracy was outraged. Not yet powerful enough to bring down the well-connected aristocrats who permeated the top ranks of the PDF and its associated bureaucracy on the spot he was able to secure the release of de Vries and his men. Disgusted at his treatment by the PDF hierarchy and distraught by the damage wrought upon his homeworld de Vries saw in Vyke an opportunity to escape his immediate situation and try to prevent his experience being that of others. He readily accepted Vyke's offer to join his fledgling retinue, on condition that the offer be extended to the loyal NCO's.

  Since that day de Vries has traversed the Imperium by Vyke's side and is fiercely protective of the Inquisitor.  After all, the wounds of Esko remain raw for the Kapitein and Vyke has provided him with endless opportunities to exorcise the rage they engender; de Vries service is characterised by the same unflinching belligerence in the face of the Imperium's enemies that so distinguished him in the rubble of his home planet.

Also this:

Zebulon - Cheers.
  • 7 months later...

*bats dust off thread*

So, I finally put the finishing touches to that dreadnought:


I also felt like the Crimson Tears don't yet have a superfluity of chaplains so dug up one I designed for a BA sub-forum challenge a couple of years ago (maybe more?) and subjected him to a couple of subtle changes. Power axe was no longer a legal weapon choice for him :sad.:. Think he came out alright:


Bjorn - cheers, I do like evidence that people actually read and enjoy the blurb that accompanies the pretty pictures.

Edited by sockwithaticket
  • 1 month later...

Archivist servitor seconded to Inquisitor Vyke



No fluff as it's just a servitor and a less interesting one than the mining automaton from pages ago.

This is the first miniature I've painted from my Anvil Industry Daughters of the Burning Rose kickstarter haul, It's really finely detailed and some elements of the job were a real challenge. For example, the tiny books did not have sculpted page lines, so I had to put those in myself via brush which was about as strenuous as getting an eyeball right.

The Chaplain looks appropriately intimidating as hell. Excellent work.

Thank, you kindly. Intimidation is definitely what I was going for.


Psssh, axes not being legal! Legal, shmegal, it looks cool! Speaking of cool that is a bad ass chaplain!!

Is that a legion of the damned body? Regardless that torso and a skull helm from the NL is an awesome combo!

Cheers, hush. Yeah, I possible should have kept the axe, but plasma pistols are cool too, right? It most certainly is a LotD body, though the leg decorations are added as this one was oddly plain down there. As you've mentioned the torso was just begging to be combined with the NL head and it's easier to add extras than chop the thing in half to extricate the top.


Lovely Chaplain fella, surprised not to see some of your power blade edging on that Crozius :wink:  but the plasma glow makes up for it!

Thanks, man. Nice to see you around again. I actually like keeping the Crozii (Croziuses?) of my Chaplains plain metal, in my head they're bludgeoning weapons fuelled by the Chaplain's righteous fury rather than something more precise with an energy source like a power sword.


Man your stuff is painted clean as ever! Love the Chaplain, definitely looks imposing! Looking forward to seeing what else you'll post!

Hey, Vairo. Long time no see and thank you for the kind words. I think I've only become more infrequent of late, but hopefully this was worth waiting a bit.

Edited by sockwithaticket
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Cheers, all.

Been a while again, we'll leave it at that. A few board appropriate models I've finished since I was last here.

Aurora Talon (chapter I made up)



A random Crimson Tear





Nascent fluff is that she's the daughter of an aristocrat, hence she's a bit more flamboyant in her style than most of the other retinue members. Her, shall we say, proclivities make her more suitable to assist the Inquisition than for high society.


Even the boobs on this tortureress look cruel! :ohmy.:

  • 5 months later...

Checking in with a Blood Ravens Librarian for my Deathwatch


And I've started work on my next Inquisitorial henchman:


Always love how clean and smooth those Crimson Tears are, great pose too, never enough stabbing for the Emperor!

Darn tootin'!


It’s great to see you back.
And I am really glad to see a Mentor in there :thumbsup:

I thought you'd appreciate that one.


This has always been one of my favourite logs on this site. I’ve been away for a while myself so was really pleased to see you’re still posting bud. Love the latest Crimson Tear

Cheers, bud. Yeah, unfortunately life gets in the way doesn't it? I'll keep popping back in until I can't. I was going to suggest until I clear my back log, but that may never happen...


Just like Biohazard said.

It's been years and it's nice to see this thread still around.

That's really nice to hear, thanks for still looking in.




Nascent fluff is that she's the daughter of an aristocrat, hence she's a bit more flamboyant in her style than most of the other retinue members. Her, shall we say, proclivities make her more suitable to assist the Inquisition than for high society.


Even the boobs on this tortureress look cruel! :ohmy.:


She's a cracking model. Wish Kromlech did more in this vein rather than so many WWII German styled orks. I may have an update on her fairly soon, I finally figured out a replacement left arm after I dropped her and broke the flimsy resin talons.

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