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iron warriors daemon prince?

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I like the iron warriors but they are not very "daemonic". So i was thinking of taking a daemon prince "counts as" but maybe making a conversion based off the chaos dreadnought with a jet pack (to represent wings)-good idea? surely no one would have a problem with this in friendly games, right?
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your going to have problems with that jump pack on your DP , because of how our FAQ is worded.


Only if your friends/opponents are anally retentive. The silly thing isn't even a real daemon at this point, its a dude in a suit; if you want to be that exacting why aren't you calling him on his 5++? Calling him out on one aspect when the whole model is something it isn't is rather silly. If they can understand that the dreadknight conversion is a DP, they are probably smart enough to consider the jump pack as wings.

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your going to have problems with that jump pack on your DP , because of how our FAQ is worded.


Only if your friends/opponents are anally retentive.


The FAQ is oddly specific about this particular thing, though. It's not unhelpful to point it out, I don't think.


surely no one would have a problem with this in friendly games, right?


I wouldn't. I would go so far as to say that anybody who did would probably be no fun to play anyway. My own IW DP has a jet pack instead of wings, so I may be biased...

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I've seen DP's modelled w/ jump packs so many times & I highly doubt anyone's told them "that DP can't fly because you modelled it w/ a jump pack instead of wings". Frankly I don't really understand GW's ruling on this but I find it questionable at best, ridiculous at worst. The ONLY thing I can think of is maybe it's to ensure that a DP model is easily identifiable as having flight/wings.
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the problem is not the DP , but the counts as lords who could ride [because of how GW worded the rules] in rhinos and GW in their omnipotency thought that wings were just too good [which they are 99% of time] , so to get the buff people should not be using counts as [right now this is the only pice of gear I can think that cant be counts-as'ed] . It is a bit like they dont let you put canis on a Warlord titan base [while 99% of time they say its is ok to use scenic bases as long as they are not smaller].


It has nothing to do with being a gentelman or not , it is a rule . One cant even say GW wanted wings/jump packs to works different because its a GW FAQ .

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Hello, a few days ago i've seen something very similar on these boards. It was a blood angel contemptor derad with wings and, actually, it screamed IW demon prince like nothing else i have seen up to date. You can probably find it browsing in the hall of honous section (Uhope it's there). Maybe i'll try my hand at it myself 2.
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I'm not sure why it's an issue. Firstly, a DP can't buy a jump pack, so obviously a jump pack modeled on it would be meant to be wings. Secondly, a Monstrous Creature can't ride in a transport in any case, with or without wings, so the transportation option is already moot. The FAQ reference to the functional difference between jump packs and wings is meant to refer to Lords and Sorcerers, not DPs. If someone is going to have a serious problem about it based solely on the WYSIWYG rule, be absolutely certain to call them on every Counts-As and WYSIWYG violation they have, whether they spent the points or not.
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the problem is not the DP , but the counts as lords who could ride [because of how GW worded the rules] in rhinos and GW in their omnipotency thought that wings were just too good [which they are 99% of time] , so to get the buff people should not be using counts as [right now this is the only pice of gear I can think that cant be counts-as'ed] . It is a bit like they dont let you put canis on a Warlord titan base [while 99% of time they say its is ok to use scenic bases as long as they are not smaller].


It has nothing to do with being a gentelman or not , it is a rule . One cant even say GW wanted wings/jump packs to works different because its a GW FAQ .


That's a very totalitarian (& extremely anal) stance on it. Do you personally have a problem w/ it or are you just being hard-line for the sake of arguements? How does that bit regarding the "counts as lords" even relate to this? And further what do you mean by that since a lord can be ANY model in TDA or PA w/ any kind of look the player wants it to have? Oh & BTW, wargaming is a gentlemen's agreement. Your opponent has to agree to play you.

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