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Devastator razorback used by another squad


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Hi all,


This is very likely an easy answer but I'd be grateful of clarification.


Is it ok to buy a razorback for my devastator squad then deploy one half of a combat squadded tactical squad inside it during my deployment?


Cheers all,



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When you buy a Dedicated Transport, the only unit that may start embarked (that is, Deploy in) that transport is the unit that it was purchased for. No other unit can start the game embarked in it, whether in Reserves or at initial Deployment.


However, on your first turn a five-man squad that does not "own" the Razorback can embark into it as part of their normal movement.

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And in the words of the BRB:

The only limitation of a dedicated transport is that when it is deployed it can only carry the unit it was selected with (plus any independent characters).[/b]

After the game begins, it can then transport any friendly infantry unit, subject to transport capacity and other special exclusions, as explained in the vehicle’s entry (it might not be able to transport Terminators, for example).

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