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Rage, what is it good for?


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Rage as a rule only serves one purpose, to potentially gimp a units effectiveness. Not having control of a unit can be bad, I mean really bad.

I get that it is certainly fluffy for Repentias and PE's, but as those are our two good close combat options (outside of a BC...I don't know where people find the models to field such a thing...) I wish that at the very least there was just a CHANCE of them succumbing to Rage. Perhaps on a 1 or a 2?


Anyway this rule is annoying and I wish it would go away: discuss

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  chaplainmeliadus said:
even if it weren't one of the most badly written rules in the book.

And that's saying something.


As a BA player, I shy away from Death Company simply because of Rage. As a tactician, I don't want my minis to be running around all willy-nilly. I need control. Rage prevents control.

That's not even me problem. I was using a DC army last Wednesday against deldar, and my DC dread had to move toward some grotesques who were in combat with another of my squads. TAs a walker, the dread couldn't enter buildings (even though my opponent had parked two of his skimmers in there, but that's another story ;) ), so I declared that it would charge a unit of beastmasters that were in range. Jeez, you should have heard the cries of foulplay he was coming up with, despite nothing in the Rage rules saying that you have to charge the closest unit (especially when he says I can't charge it ;) ) or even charge at all. THAT's why it's so poor. It doesn't stop you going to ground, or rapid-firing to prevent a charge. You know, stuff that the unit wouldn't do as it would stop them from ripping out the opposing model's windpipe and beating them to death with the tonsil end.
  Furyou Miko said:
Rage only affects the Movement phase.


You can Run in any direction you like. You can Assault in any direction you like. IF you're Relentless, you can shoot in any direction you like.


Rage doesn't "only" affect the Movement phase. If they run, they have to move towards the nearest enemy. And in Assault, they have to consolidate towards the closest enemy.


EDIT: Ninja'd. :P

  Dustoman said:
Warmaster and Furyou seem to disagree on if the direction of your Run movement is directed by Rage. I don't have a BBB handy, any confirmation?

BRB, page 76, under the entry for the Rage USR:


"In the Shooting phase, they are free to decide whether to run, but if they do they must run towards the closest visible enemy."

  Jacinda said:
Rage is suposed to be a fault. At least that is my take on it.

Yep. Its not a benefit to have rage. It is a penalty.


I just wish it was worded better. Works perfectly for a unit of 1 model (Death Company Dreads) but is awkward with large units.

  Something Wycked said:
  chaplainmeliadus said:
even if it weren't one of the most badly written rules in the book.

And that's saying something.


As a BA player, I shy away from Death Company simply because of Rage. As a tactician, I don't want my minis to be running around all willy-nilly. I need control. Rage prevents control.


Took the words right out of my mouth im a BA player and i agree wholeheartedly. I like the fluff but not the rule

I agree with those that say that it is a detriment to units that presumably would otherwise need to cost more points (I think it is also supposed to be fluffy for those units) Now I'm not saying this is always the case, but for units like Death Company would be undercosted for what they get if not for rage (Seeing as Khorne Bezerkers cost 3 points more, have a similar statline and don't get the same amount of options, Feel no pain, or relentless.) Repentia are also in this boat, eviserators usually cost more(or as much) than the Repentia models (see the Banisher in the GK codex.)


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