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Nurgle Bikers


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I've recently been experiementing with all kinds of Nurgle lists, and I had someone I played recomend Bikers with MoN. With how tough they can be, they really do sound good. But when I look at the costs, I am iffy.


Does anyone have experience running Nurgle bikers, and what do you load them up with?

I was considering just doing a 3 man unit with plasma guns for hit and run stuff.


What are they really good at, and what do you guys use them for?

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i cant remember off the top of my head but does the nurgle +1T stack with the biker +1T, becuase an army of T6 guys would be awesome.

of course they wouldnt be fearless and wouldnt have FNP (wouldnt matter since anything that can own T6 would ignore it anyway)

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Does anyone have experience running Nurgle bikers, and what do you load them up with?
Sometimes I field 5 MoN Bikers with 2x plasma guns (Powerfist Asp. Champ included).


I was considering just doing a 3 man unit with plasma guns for hit and run stuff.
The price for each model in the 3 man unit you describe versus what they can do borders on the highly inefficient. There are cheaper and better options elsewhere. A good rule of thumb is that if you want to field the MoN, then put it on a larger unit. :)


What are they really good at, and what do you guys use them for?
They are an awesome tarpit against low-strength non-power weapon & non-rending units. They also serve as a hardy summoning platform for Daemons.



i cant remember off the top of my head but does the nurgle +1T stack with the biker +1T, becuase an army of T6 guys would be awesome.

of course they wouldnt be fearless and wouldnt have FNP (wouldnt matter since anything that can own T6 would ignore it anyway)

It does stack and most often, all it will result in is a lot of dead Bikers, which can be situationally good for your overall plan. It is a fun (keyword) but incredibly expensive unit that isn't hard to counter/neutralize for any decent general.


My 2 Kraks

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  • 2 months later...
Brother Nihm Hit it on the Head. I run them In 3 man Squad as a Distraction Unit/Deamon Platform. Not to Mention Turn 2 if they Lift usually let me Drop my Combi-Melta Termies on someones Flank. That is about all there good at. There fun too. Problem is they Mathhammer Poorly Lots of Cost for 1 neat trick and a T6 that used to mean something Sadly the Current 40k tournament scene is Str7+ Spam Units, MSU Objective gettings, and Various Assault Deathstars. Not Saying Nurgle List are Bad. Just the Enviroment has Shifted. We are Great Against MSU units. Meh again the Str7+ Spam, and Results my Vary on the Assault Deathstars though Use of Sacrificial Lesser Demons Place Between the Enemy Units Helps a Lot. But then again your Wasting Points. So not Very Effective. But Still fun.
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  • 1 month later...

Bikers are expensive, Nurgle bikers CRAZY expensive for what you get. So I have 14 of them :)


Bottom line is this. Against anything with a Low AP, ignoring saves etc they will lose members and then run away. You also don't get FNP which removes a re roll for the plasma 'gets hot'.


To cut a looong story short they are pants at dealing with enemy HQ or Elites because of the skills and wargear those units will have. They also suck against tanks simply because of the size of the bases bakes then damn hard to hide (raptors are much better at that as they can jump terrain etc) so that leaves one option open to them.


Killing troops.


The good thing about that is even against marines with T4 you are going to kick ass as they need to roll a 6 to hurt you so against other troops from other armies you will do even better. Troops being the key to this ed this makes them worth thinking about. The downside however is if they get stuck in CC a HQ/elite unit of your oppo can wade in and you are in trouble...so team them up with a DP to make real short work of them to avoid getting stuck. There is one other thing you can do too. Stick 2 flamers in the unit over plasma (no fnp roll) and melta (not going up against tanks, hq or elites) to thin the herd. Bikes are fast so you should be able to get real close to make the most out of the templates. Also because you are T6 power fists are good because you will very likely live long enough to use them even at I1.


That being said they are still hard to use right, but they look so damn cool charging in I don't care -_-


I have two units of 7 each, 2 flamers, champ with first, MoN. I also run a Sorcerer on bike with Wind of Chaos (for even more template of doom) or Gift of chaos (as I can target the hidden power fist in the unit with it).


Expensive as a night out with a playboy bunny so never use them in lists under 1750. Better in lists of 2k and up.


Good luck and have fun ;)

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I use 7 of them for a total of 341pts. 2 Melta, Fist, Nurgle.


They have yet to disappoint me.


They are there to be put in the center of your battle line and turbo boost towards a tau or razorspam list. If anything shoots at them or assaults them, meh. Next turn, their best targets within 18" are:


-Vehicles that have not moved

-Small units of any type deployed outside of vehicles (multi-assault is key)

-Vehicles within 2d6 melta range

-Monstrous Creatures that are Strength 6 or below (keeps them away from your approaching plague marines)

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My friend tried them once.


He didn't like it when krak missiles blew them apart; same with the nurgle lord on bike, since it still gets ID'd by S8. Basically, this is just an echo of the above statements.

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